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AlignFromCursor : Perform :left / :right only for the text on and right of the cursor.

 script karma  Rating 9/3, Downloaded by 3594  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Ingo Karkat
script type
This plugin offers commands and mappings that align only the text to the right
of the cursor, and keep the text to the left unmodified, unlike the built-in
:left and :right, which always work on the entire line.
This is useful e.g. for right-aligning the "-- Author" attribution in a
fortune, the help tags definitions in this help file, or to left-align a
comment to a particular column.
The alignment width defaults to 'textwidth', can be passed as a [count] to the
mappings, and there are mappings that take the actual width from adjacent
previous / next lines.

- The Align plugin (vimscript #294) offers a general-purpose :Align command
  and many mappings for text alignment along various characters, but those are
  more specialized for certain syntax fragments and do not consider the
  current cursor position like this plugin.
- The Tabular plugin (https://github.com/godlygeek/tabular) is similar to the
  Align plugin.
- The vim-easy-align plugin (vimscript #4520) is also similar to Align, and
  asserts it's easy to use.
- right_align (vimscript #3728) has a :RightAlign command that aligns to
  'textwidth' in full increments of 'shiftwidth'.

:[range]LeftAlignFromCursor [width]
                        Left-align the text on and right of the cursor to
                        [width] columns (default 'textwidth' or 80 when
                        'textwidth' is 0). Cp. :left.
                        Applies to all lines in [range], based on the current
                        cursor position.
                        In visual mode: Applies to the selected text, based on
                        the leftmost selected column.

[count]<Leader>lp       Left-align the text on and right of the cursor to the
[count]<Leader>ln       indent of the [count]'th previous / next unfolded line.
                        In visual mode: Left-align the selected text to the
                        indent of the [count]'th unfolded line above / below
                        the visual selection.

:[range]RightAlignFromCursor [width]
                        Right-align the text on and right of the cursor to
                        [width] columns (default 'textwidth' or 80 when
                        'textwidth' is 0). Cp. :right.
                        Applies to all lines in [range], based on the current
                        cursor position.
                        In visual mode: Applies to the selected text, based on
                        the leftmost selected column.

[count]<Leader>rp       Right-align the text on and right of the cursor to the
[count]<Leader>rn       width of the [count]'th previous / next unfolded line.
                        In visual mode: Right-align the selected text to the
                        width of the [count]'th unfolded line above / below
                        the visual selection.
install details
This script is packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip" decompressor
in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise, decompress
the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by sourcing the
vimball or via the :UseVimball command.
    vim AlignFromCursor*.vmb.gz
    :so %
To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.

- Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
- Requires the ingo-library.vim plugin (vimscript #4433), version 1.016 or
- IndentTab.vim (vimscript #3848) plugin (optional)
- repeat.vim (vimscript #2136) plugin (optional)
- visualrepeat.vim (vimscript #3848) plugin (optional)

For a permanent configuration, put the following commands into your vimrc:

If you want to use different mappings, map your keys to the
<Plug>(Left|Right)Align... mapping targets _before_ sourcing the script (e.g.
in your vimrc):
    nmap <silent> <Leader>ri <Plug>RightAlignFromCursor
    nmap <silent> <Leader>le <Plug>LeftAlignFromCursor
    xmap <silent> <Leader>ri <Plug>RightAlignFromCursor
    xmap <silent> <Leader>le <Plug>LeftAlignFromCursor
    nmap <silent> <Leader>rp <Plug>RightAlignToPreviousLine
    nmap <silent> <Leader>rn <Plug>RightAlignToNextLine
    nmap <silent> <Leader>lp <Plug>LeftAlignToPreviousLine
    nmap <silent> <Leader>ln <Plug>LeftAlignToNextLine
    xmap <silent> <Leader>rp <Plug>RightAlignToPreviousLine
    xmap <silent> <Leader>rn <Plug>RightAlignToNextLine
    xmap <silent> <Leader>lp <Plug>LeftAlignToPreviousLine
    xmap <silent> <Leader>ln <Plug>LeftAlignToNextLine

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
AlignFromCursor-2.02.vmb.gz 2.02 2016-12-29 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Improve internal efficiency.
- Extract AlignFromCursor#GetRetabbedFromCol() and expose for reuse.
- BUG: :LeftAlignFromCursor adds one character too few if the first left-aligned character is double width (e.g. ^X unprintable or Kanji character).
AlignFromCursor-2.01.vmb.gz 2.01 2014-01-29 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Support the IndentTab setting provided by the optional IndentTab plugin (vimscript #4243). I.e. align with spaces when there's text before the cursor. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.016! ***
AlignFromCursor-2.00.vmb.gz 2.00 2013-07-19 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Use visible lines for the relative [count] in <Leader>lp / <Leader>ln / <Leader>rp / <Leader>rn. This is consistent with other Vim commands and allows benefitting from 'relativenumber'. When addressing a folded line, the indent of the first contained line is used.
- ENH: Add visual mode <Leader>lp / <Leader>ln / <Leader>rp / <Leader>rn mappings that work on the selection and take the [count]'th above / below line.
- CHG: Make repeats of the mappings use the previous width instead of just re-applying them at the current cursor position. DWIM.
- BUG: Don't delete whitespace immediately after the cursor position if the cursor rests on a non-whitespace character. This makes the alignment _after_ the cursor position, not _from_ it. (Though this was a nice DWIM feature when on the last character of a word; but it makes it impossible to do an actual align from there, and is inconsistent.)
- Add dependency to ingo-library (vimscript #4433). *** You need to separately install ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.004 (or higher)! ***
AlignFromCursor-1.12.vmb.gz 1.12 2013-01-19 7.0 Ingo Karkat Fix slowness of :RightAlignFromCursor in connection with plugins like recover.vim, caused by the repeated triggers of InsertEnter / InsertLeave events inserting a single space.
AlignFromCursor-1.11.vmb.gz 1.11 2012-12-06 7.0 Ingo Karkat BUG: On repeat, the original [count] is overridden by the align commands, causing e.g. a toggling of right-align and align to column 1 on repeated <Leader>ri.
AlignFromCursor.vba.gz 1.10 2012-08-02 7.0 Ingo Karkat ENH: Do not :retab the entire line (which also affects leading indent and whitespace after the area, just render the modified whitespace around the cursor according to the buffer's indent settings.
AlignFromCursor.vba.gz 1.00 2012-08-01 7.0 Ingo Karkat Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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