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repeat.vim : Use the repeat command (.) with supported plugins

 script karma  Rating 303/110, Downloaded by 11338  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Tim Pope
script type
If you've ever tried using the "." command after a plugin map, you were likely disappointed to discover it only repeated the last native command inside that map, rather than the map as a whole.  That disappointment ends today.  Repeat.vim remaps "." in a way that plugins can tap into it.

Support is already present in the following plugins:

surround.vim (vimscript #1697)
speeddating.vim (vimscript #2120)
abolish.vim (vimscript #1545)
unimpaired.vim (vimscript #1590)
commentary.vim (vimscript #3695)

Adding support to a plugin is generally as simple as the following command at the end of your map functions.

  silent! call repeat#set("\<Plug>MyWonderfulMap",v:count)

Details are at the top of the file.  Let me know if you add support to a script on vim.org and I will link it here.

install details
Install in ~/.vim/autoload/repeat.vim (~\vim\autoload\repeat.vim on Windows).

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
repeat.zip 1.2 2018-01-31 7.0 Tim Pope Provide <Plug> mappings.
Enable repeating operators with custom motions.
Assorted bug fixes.
repeat.zip 1.1 2013-01-01 7.0 Tim Pope Fix adding trailing spaces when 've' is not empty.
Don't increment b:changedtick, offer invalidate instead.
Support repetition with original register.
Don't clobber existing U map.
Respect 'foldopen' on undo.
Allow customizing all mappings.
repeat.vim 1.0 2008-01-31 7.0 Tim Pope Initial upload
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