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ingo-library : Vimscript library of common functions.

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created by
Ingo Karkat
script type
This library contains common autoload functions that are used by almost all of
my plugins (http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=9713). Instead of
duplicating the functionality, or installing potentially conflicting versions
with each plugin, this one core dependency fosters a lean Vim runtime and
easier plugin updates.

Separating common functions is explicitly recommended by Vim; see
write-library-script. The autoload mechanism was created to make this
really easy and efficient. Only those scripts that contain functions that are
actually used are loaded, the rest is ignored; it just "wastes" the space on
disk. (Not using autoload functions, and duplicating utility functions in the
plugin script itself, now that would be truly bad.)

Still, if you only use one or few of my plugins, yes, this might look
wasteful. However, I have published an awful lot of plugins (most of which now
use ingo-library), and intend to continue to do so. Considering that, the
decision to extract the common functionality (which caused a lot of effort for
me) benefits both users (no duplication, no incompatibilities, faster updates)
and me (less overall effort in maintaining, more time for features). Please
keep that in mind before complaining about this dependency.

Furthermore, several other authors have been following the same approach:

Other authors have published separate support libraries, too:

- genutils (vimscript #197) by Hari Krishna Dara
- lh-vim-lib (vimscript #214) by Luc Hermitte
- cecutil (vimscript #1066) by DrChip
- tlib (vimscript #1863) by Thomas Link
- TOVL (vimscript #1963) by Marc Weber
- l9 (vimscript #3252) by Takeshi Nishida
- anwolib (vimscript #3800) by Andy Wokula
- vim-misc (vimscript #4597) by Peter Odding
- maktaba (https://github.com/google/maktaba) by Google
- vital (https://github.com/vim-jp/vital.vim) by the Japanese Vim user group
- underscore.vim (vimscript #5149) by haya14busa provides functional
  programming functions and depends on the (rather complex) vital library

There have been initiatives to gather and consolidate useful functions into a
"standard Vim library", but these efforts have mostly fizzled out.

This library is mainly intended to be used by my own plugins. However, I try
to maintain backwards compatibility as much as possible. Feel free to use the
library for your own plugins and customizations, too. I'd also like to hear
from you if you have additions or comments.

For exceptional conditions (e.g. cannot locate window that should be there)
and programming errors (e.g. passing a wrong variable type to a library
function), error strings are |:throw|n. These are prefixed with (something
resembling) the short function name, so that it's possible to :catch these
and e.g. convert them into a proper error (e.g. via

The filespec to the external "date" command can be set via:
    let g:IngoLibrary_DateCommand = 'date'

The preferred date format used by ingo#date#format#Preferred() can be set to a
strftime() format via:
    let g:IngoLibrary_PreferredDateFormat = '%x'

The size of the file cache (in bytes) used by ingo#file#GetLines() can be set
    let g:IngoLibrary_FileCacheMaxSize = 1048576

The string used as a replacement for truncated text can be set via:
    let g:IngoLibrary_TruncateEllipsis = "\u2026"

The check for special windows in ingo#window#special#IsSpecialWindow() can be
customized via a List of Expressions or Funcrefs that are passed the window
number, and which should return a boolean flag. If any predicate is true, the
window is deemed special.
    let g:IngoLibrary_SpecialWindowPredicates =
    \   ['bufname(winbufnr(v:val)) =~# "^\\[\\%(Scratch\\|clipboard\\)\\]$"']

ingo#plugin#marks#Reserve() by default uses any unused mark. You can instead
assign a fixed set of marks that will be available for plugins via:
    let g:IngoLibrary_Marks = 'abcABC'

Some special filenames are caught by BufNewFile,BufRead autocmds and
translated into existing files. ingo#cmdargs#glob#Resolve() can be taught
those patterns by configuring a List of Funcrefs or expressions in
g:IngoLibrary_SpecialFilePredicates that take a single filespec argument /
v:val and return whether this is an existing file. This will then correct the
statistics information returned by the function.
By default, includes any filespec that starts with a "protocol:/" (e.g. scp://
for netrw), and also file:lnum[:column] special filenames if
https://github.com/bogado/file-line is installed.

The ingo#text#InsertHere() function is often used to insert text at the cursor
position by plugins that don't want to offer separate insert / append mappings
(comparable to |p|/|P| pasting). The function tries to find a meaningful
insertion point. Its strategy can be tweaked via the following values:
- insert1:  at the beginning of the line if the cursor is in column 1, else
            appending after the character the cursor is on.
- append$:  appending after the character if the cursor is at the end of the
            line (with 'virtualedit' having "onemore": one beyond the end,
            with "all": always insert before the cursor), else inserting
            before the character the cursor is on.
- insert:   always inserting before the character the cursor is on
- append:   always appending after the character the cursor is on

If you use some operator-pending mappings as hooks into default motions (e.g.
: or /) that still maintain the original functionality,
ingo#query#get#Motion() can be instructed to ignore those mappings and instead
treat them as the built-in motions (i.e. still query the command-line or
search pattern). Define those keys you want ignored as keys in a Dict (values
don't matter):
    let g:IngoLibrary_QueryMotionIgnoredMotions = {':': 1, '/': 1, '?': 1}

If you have custom operator-pending mappings that do some tricks like
obtaining additional characters until they're done and moving the cursor,
define those keys as keys, and an appendage pattern as value (or the empty
String if there're no additional keys).
The appendage patterns will capture additional keys until either the pattern
does not match any longer (the motion then is deemed invalid and aborts), or
until the first capture group is non-empty (the motion then is deemed
    let g:IngoLibrary_QueryMotionCustomMotions = {'key': 'patter\(n\)'}

Motions can be forced to be character- / line- / blockwise (forced-motion).
If you have mapped alternatives for v / V / CTRL-V, define them as keys in:
    let g:IngoLibrary_QueryMotionCustomMotionModifiers = {"\<C-q>": 1}

If you've remapped the c_CTRL-K trigger key for digraphs, you can adapt the
digraph detection by ingo#query#get#CharOrDigraph() and
ingo#query#get#[Valid]Char() to the changed mapping via:
    let g:IngoLibrary_DigraphTriggerKey = "\<C-k>"
install details
The code is hosted in a Git repo at
You can use your favorite plugin manager, or "git clone" into a directory used
for Vim packages. Releases are on the "stable" branch, the latest unstable
development snapshot on "master".

This script is also packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip"
decompressor in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise,
decompress the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by
sourcing the vimball or via the :UseVimball command.
    vim ingo-library*.vmb.gz
    :so %
To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.

- Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
ingo-library-1.046.vmb.bz2 1.046 2025-01-17 7.0 Ingo Karkat - ENH: Add ingo#version#Has() that allows plugins to assert a compatible ingo-library version and handle missing dependency gracefully.
- Small fixes and API enhancements to ingo#query#fromlist#Query[AsText]().
ingo-library-1.045.vmb.bz2 1.045 2024-10-03 7.0 Ingo Karkat - ingo#query#fromlist#Query(): CHG: Beep and continue querying on invalid accelerator key or number instead of returning -1; only <Esc> or Ctrl-C abort.
- Add ingo/text/searchhighlights.vim module.
- ingo#query#fromlist#Query(): BUG: 10th, 20th, etc. entry cannot be selected by number if it is the last
- ingo#query#confirm#AutoAccelerators(): ENH: Add optional l:reservedAccelerators argument.
- ingo#query#fromlist#Query(): BUG: Don't add accelerators for numbers, as those interfere with the by-count selection.
- Add ingo#regexp#fromwildcard#FileOrPath() variant of ingo#regexp#fromwildcard#AnchoredToPathBoundaries().
- Add ingo/option/autochdir.vim module.
- ingo#fs#path#{Canonizalize,Equals}(): Small fixes, support a:isResolveLinks in the latter, too.
- Add ingo#window#preview#OpenNew().
- ingo#buffer#{scratch,generate}#Create(): ENH: Support "pedit" as a:windowOpenCommand.
- ingo#plugin#historyrecall#RecallRepeat(): Also forward optional client arguments to ingo#plugin#historyrecall#Recall().
- ingo#plugin#register#Set(), ingo#plugin#register#PutContents(): ENH: Allow passing optional target register.
- ingo#subs#BraceCreation#FromList(): ENH: Add a:options.singleCharacterElementsInSquareBraces.
- Add ingo#text#frompattern#GetNext().
- ingo#regexp#comments#CommentToExpression(): BUG: The $ anchor was mistakenly escaped, but the pattern is (normal) magic; special comment characters (like "*") are not properly escaped.
- CHG: Minor: ingo#gui#position#Get() swap the first two returned elements (so it's X-Y, too) and return numbers for elements 3 and 4. This shouldn't matter to clients as the format is unspecified.
- ingo#join#*() with a:isKeepSpace = 1 are not affected by 'formatoptions' any longer (and may be a bit faster).
- ingo#plugin#cmdcomplete#dirforaction#setup(): ENH: Allow passing of 'commandAttributes': '-count', Funcref for a:parameters.browsefilter and a:parameters.wildignore
- BUG: ingo#join#*() with a:isKeepSpace = 0 may expand a literal tab separator into space(s).
- ENH: Add ingo#actions#EvaluateWithValOrFunc() variant of ingo#actions#ExecuteWithValOrFunc(). This is useful for configurations that can either be an expression (with optional v:val) or a Funcref.
- Add ingo#escape#EscapeExpr().
- ingo#text#surroundings#SurroundWith[SingleChar](): ENH: Support custom set of [back, end] motions.
- BUG: ingo#regexp#magic#Normalize('\V[[a-S]]') only escapes the first [
ingo-library-1.044.vmb.gz 1.044 2022-04-09 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo#cursor#IsBeyondEndOfLine() variant of ingo#cursor#IsAtEndOfLine().
- ENH: Allow to customize the insertion point of ingo#text#InsertHere() via g:IngoLibrary_InsertHereStrategy.
- CHG: Split ingo#subst#FirstSubstitution() into ingo#subst#FirstMatchingSubstitution() and ingo#subst#FirstChangingSubstitution().
- Add ingo#text#IsInsert().
- ingo#cmdargs#range#Parse(): BUG: Return [] as documented instead of ['', '', '', '', ''] on empty a:commandLine.
- Add ingo/plugin/historyrecall.vim module.
- Add ingo/str/remove.vim module.
- Add ingo#lines#Delete() variant of ingo#lines#Replace().
- ingo#plugin#register#{Set,PutContents}(): ENH: Also add the register contents to the search history when the target register is "/".
- Add ingo#query#motion#Get().
- Add ingo#compat#getcharstr().
- Add ingo#regexp#Anchored().
- CHG: ingo#query#get#[Writable]Register(): Turn a:errorRegister and a:invalidRegisterExpr into option Dict values and add a:options.additionalValidExpr
- Add ingo/digraph.vim module.
- Add ingo#query#get#CharOrDigraph().
- ENH: ingo#query#get#[Valid]Char() takes digraphs by default; can be disabled via a:options.isAllowDigraphs = 0.
- Add ingo#syntaxitem#HasHighlighting() from SameSyntaxMotion.vim.
- Add ingo#cursor#IsOnWhitespace() and ingo#cursor#IsOnEmptyLine().
- ingo#{area,text}#frompattern#Get(): ENH: Add cursorPos and additional arguments to context object, allow Predicate to influence returned result.
- ingo#area#frompattern#Get(): BUG: a:matchCount uninitialized
- Add ingo/print/highlighted.vim module (formerly unpublished separate EchoLine.vim autoload script).
- ingo#option#listchars#Render(): ENH: Add a:options.tabWidth.
- ingo#option#listchars#Render(): CHG: Deprecate a:isTextAtEnd argument, use a:options.isTextAtEnd now.
- ingo#option#listchars#Render(): FIX: space rendering eclipses trail
- ingo#option#listchars#Render(): ENH: Add a:options.isTextAtStart and render lead listchars option value (since Vim 8.2.2454).
- ingo#print#highlighted#Line(): Use 'listchars' to render tabs and spaces, but now only if 'list' is on. Also support "nbsp", "lead", and "eol" options.
- ingo#range#Get(): Don't clobber the search history.
- ingo#range#lines#Get(): Allow a:options with fallback to the old single a:isGetAllRanges flag and don't clobber the search history by default, unless a:options.isKeepPatterns = 0.
- ingo#ftplugin#onbufwinenter#Execute(): ENH: Also allow Funcref a:Action.
- ingo#ftplugin#onbufwinenter#Execute(): ENH: Add a:when = "delayed".
- ingo#escape#command#map[un]escape(), ingo#escape#mapping#keys(): Also convert between newline and <CR>.
- Add ingo/convert.vim module with ingo#convert#ToSingleLineString().
ingo-library-1.043.vmb.gz 1.043 2022-02-05 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Minor: Actually support no-argument form of ingo#query#get#[Writable]Register(), the documentation already states that the a:errorRegister defaults to the empty string.
- Add ingo/subs/apply.vim module.
- Add ingo#escape#file#CmdlineSpecialEscape().
- Add ingo#buffer#IsWritable().
- Deprecated: ingo#subst#expr#emulation#Substitute() is now available as a compat function ingo#compat#substitution#RecursiveSubstitutionExpression() because since Vim 8.0.20, the regexp engine is reentrant.
- Add ingo#hlgroup#Get{Foreground,Background,}Color().
- ingo#list#lcs#Find{All,Longest}Common(), ingo#subs#BraceCreation#FromList(): Add optional a:isIgnoreCase argument to ignore case differences when searching for common substrings.
- Add ingo#window#special#HasOtherDiffWindow() variant of ingo#window#special#HasDiffWindow().
- dirforaction: BUG: Passed filenames with escaped glob characters not handled correctly; need to use the unescaped filename for l:isAbsoluteFilename check.
- dirforaction: ENH: Add a:parameters.completeFunctionHook.
- Add ingo/escape/mapping.vim module.
- Add ingo/window/iterate.vim module.
- Add ingo#hlgroup#GetApplicableColorModes().
- ingo#buffer#VisibleList(): ENH: Allow passing range of tab pages to be considered.
- Add ingo/list/transform.vim module.
- Add ingo#buffer#NameOrDefault().
- Add ingo/buffers.vim module.
- Add ingo/list/reduce.vim module.
- Add ingo#compat#getenv() and ingo#compat#setenv().
- Add ingo#buffer#IsScratch().
- Add ingo#encoding#IsUnicode().
- Add ingo/buffer/network.vim module.
- Add ingo/ranges.vim module (originally from AdvancedSorters.vim).
- ingo#file#GetLines(): Robustness: Empty a:filespec throws E17
- Add ingo#subst#Recurringly().
- Add ingo#text#Append() variant of ingo#text#Insert().
- Add ingo/text/surroundings.vim modules.
- Add ingo#regexp#EscapeLiteralReplacement().
ingo-library-1.042.vmb.gz 1.042 2020-08-03 7.0 Ingo Karkat - BUG: ingo#join#Lines() inserts the separator before the line's last character when joining with a following empty line and ! a:isKeepSpace.
- Support List of precisions in ingo#units#Format() and default to not showing a fraction for bytes in ingo#units#FormatBytesDecimal() and ingo#units#FormatBytesBinary() (as there are no fractional bytes).
- Add ingo#regexp#collection#LargeRange().
- Add ingo#text#InsertHere().
- Expose ingo#mapmaker#OpfuncExpression(); it can avoid duplication of ...#Expression() functions in many plugins.
- Add ingo/change/processed.vim module.
- CHG: ingo#area#frompattern#GetCurrent() now takes optional arguments as Dictionary and adds a:options.firstLnum and a:options.lastLnum.
- CHG: ingo#text#frompattern#GetCurrent() now take the optional a:currentPos as Dictionary and adds a:options.firstLnum, a:options.lastLnum, and a:options.returnValueOnNoSelection.
ingo-library-1.041.vmb.gz 1.041 2020-03-12 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo/register/pending.vim module.
- ingo#regexp#EscapeLiteralText(): Make second argument (a:additionalEscapeCharacters) optional; many clients don't need this.
- ingo#cmdargs#register#Parse{Ap,Pre}pendedWritableRegister(): ENH: Allow using the a:directSeparator default while supplying a:isPreferText by passing an empty List.
- Introduce g:IngoLibrary_SpecialFilePredicates customization for ingo#cmdargs#glob#Resolve().
- ingo#selection#Get{In,Ex}clusiveEndPos(): Prevent "E951: \% value too large" by checking line length. This condition typically happens with a linewise selection (where the column is 2147483647).
- Add ingo#window#quickfix#GetOtherList() variant of ingo#window#quickfix#GetList() that gets the quickfixType passed in.
- Add ingo#window#quickfix#CmdPre() and ingo#window#quickfix#CmdPost().
- Add optional a:Predicate argument to ingo#area#frompattern#Get() and ingo#text#frompattern#Get(). Additionally, the a:isOnlyFirstMatch and a:isUnique arguments are optional now, too.
- Add ingo#str#trcd() variant of ingo#str#trd().
- Add ingo#plugin#cmdcomplete#dirforaction#setup().
- Add ingo#fs#path#IsPath().
- ingo#plugin#cmdcomplete#dirforaction#setup(): ENH: Use special completion that only returns directories if a:parameters.action is "chdir".
- Add ingo/regexp/parse.vim module.
- CHG: Move ingo#regexp#multi#Expr() to ingo#regexp#parse#MultiExpr().
- ingo#regexp#deconstruct#ToQuasiLiteral() also covers new ingo#regexp#deconstruct#TranslateSingleCharacterAtoms() and ingo#regexp#deconstruct#RemoveOtherAtoms().
- Add ingo/list/merge.vim module.
- Add ingo#collections#{CharacterCount,StringDisplayWidth}{Asc,Desc}Sort().
- FIX: ingo#smartcase#IsSmartCasePattern() and ingo#smartcase#Undo() now also handle the smartcased single all-lower or -uppercase alphabetic word special case.
ingo-library-1.040.vmb.gz 1.040 2019-10-31 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo#str#TrimTrailing() variant of ingo#str#Trim().
- Add ingo#date#format#FilesystemCompatibleTimestamp() variant.
- Add ingo#window#quickfix#SetOtherList() generalization of ingo#window#quickfix#SetList().
- Add ingo#window#quickfix#GetName() and ingo#window#quickfix#GetPrefix().
- Add ingo#plugin#cmdcomplete#MakeFirstArgumentFixedListCompleteFunc() variant of ingo#plugin#cmdcomplete#MakeFixedListCompleteFunc().
- Add ingo#change#virtcols#Get(), a variant of ingo#selection#virtcols#Get().
- Add ingo/plugin/register.vim module.
ingo-library-1.039.vmb.gz 1.039 2019-09-11 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo#date#format#Epoch().
- Add ingo#collections#SortOnFirstListElement() and ingo#collections#SortOnSecondListElement().
- Add ingo#range#sort#AscendingByStartLnum().
- Add ingo#buffer#scratch#CreateWithWriter().
- Add ingo#register#IsWritable().
- ingo/window/locate.vim: ENH: Support special a:winVarName of "bufnr" that allows searching for bufnr instead of window-local variables.
- ingo#window#switches#Win{Save,Restore}CurrentBuffer(): ENH: Also record / search in other tabpages if the new a:isSaveTabPage / a:isSearchTabPages is true.
- Add ingo#window#special#HasDiffWindow().
- Add ingo#funcref#UnaryIdentity().
- Add ingo#pos#Sort().
- Add ingo#area#frompattern#GetCurrent() and ingo#text#frompattern#GetCurrent(), variants of ...#GetAroundHere().
- Add ingo#selection#Get{Ex,In}clusiveEndPos().
- Add ingo#text#Replace(), a more generic variant of ingo#text#Remove().
- Add optional a:NextFilenameFuncref to ingo#buffer#scratch#Create[WithWriter]().
- ENH: Also support Funcref a:contentsCommand / a:scratchCommand for ingo#buffer#generate#Create() and ingo#buffer#scratch#Create[WithWriter]().
- Add ingo#buffer#scratch#converted#Create() to convert buffer contents to a scratch buffer with the possibility to sync back and ingo#ftplugin#converter#builder#EditAsFiletype() that can be used by filetype plugins to edit one filetype in an intermediate different format.
- ENH: Allow to preset reserved marks for ingo#plugin#marks#Reserve() via g:IngoLibrary_Marks.
- ENH: ingo#selection#virtcols#Get() adds an effectiveEndVirtCol attribute.
- Add ingo#selection#virtcols#GetLimitingPatterns().
- Add ingo#regexp#virtcols#StartAnchorPattern() and ingo#regexp#virtcols#EndAnchorPattern().
- ENH: ingo#plugin#cmd#withpattern#CommandWithPattern(): Also support a:CommandTemplate Funcref argument.
- Add ingo#actions#ExecuteWithValOrFunc() variant of ingo#actions#EvaluateWithValOrFunc() that :executes the Action instead of eval()ing it.
- FIX: ingo#register#accumulate#ExecuteOrFunc(): Need to use ingo#actions#ExecuteWithValOrFunc(), not ingo#actions#EvaluateWithValOrFunc().
- ENH: ingo#cmdrangeconverter#LineToBufferRange(): Also allow Funcref argument for a function that takes the converted range.
- Add ingo/options/listchars.vim module.
ingo-library-1.038.vmb.gz 1.038 2019-06-10 7.0 Ingo Karkat - ingo#compat#maparg() escaping didn't consider <; in fact, it needs to escape stand-alone < and escaped \<, but not proper key notations like <C-CR>.
- FIX: Make ingo#cmdline#showmode#TemporaryNoShowMode() work again.
- Factor out ingo#msg#MsgFromCustomException().
- Add ingo#regexp#MakeWholeWordOrWORDSearch() variant.
- Add ingo#pos#Compare(), useful for sort().
- FIX: Handle corner cases in ingo#join#Lines(). Return join success. Also do proper counting in ingo#join#Ranges().
- Add ingo#join#Range() variant of ingo#join#Ranges().
- FIX: ingo#comments#SplitAll(): isBlankRequired is missing from the returned List when there's no comment.
- Add ingo/comments/indent.vim module.
ingo-library-1.037.vmb.gz 1.037 2019-03-29 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo#dict#Make() (analog to ingo#list#Make()).
ingo-library-1.036.vmb.gz 1.036 2019-03-18 7.0 Ingo Karkat - FIX: ingo#strdisplaywidth#strleft includes multi-width character that straddles the specified width. Need to exclude this one.
- Add ingo#strdisplaywidth#pad#Repeat[Exact]().
- Make Unix date command used in ingo#date#epoch#ConvertTo() configurable via g:IngoLibrary_DateCommand.
- ENH: Allow passing of a:truncationIndicator to ingo#avoidprompt#Truncate[To]().
- Add ingo#fs#path#split#TruncateTo().
- Add ingo#str#TrimPattern() variant of ingo#str#Trim().
- Add ingo#date#epoch#Now().
- Add ingo#date#strftime().
- Add ingo#compat#trim().
- Add ingo#buffer#locate#OtherWindowWithSameBuffer().
- Add ingo#search#timelimited#FirstPatternThatMatchesInBuffer().
- Add optional a:isPreferText flag to ingo#cmdargs#register#Parse{Prepended,Appended}WritableRegister().
- Add ingo#comments#GetSplitIndentPattern() variant of ingo#comments#SplitIndentAndText() that just returns the pattern.
- Extract ingo#cmdrange#FromCount() from ingo#cmdrangeconverter#LineToBufferRange().
- Add ingo/plugin/cmd/withpattern.vim module.
- Add ingo/view.vim module.
- Add ingo#compat#commands#ForceSynchronousFeedkeys().
- Add ingo/plugin/persistence.vim module; implementation based on my mark.vim plugin.
- Add ingo#collections#SortOnOneAttribute(), ingo#collections#PrioritySort(), and ingo#collections#SortOnTwoAttributes().
- Add ingo/collections/recursive.vim module.
- ENH: ingo#cmdargs#range#Parse(): Add a:options.isOnlySingleAddress flag.
- ENH: Add ingo#cmdargs#range#ParsePrependedRange().
- Minor fixes to ingo#query#confirm#AutoAccelerators().
- Expose ingo#collections#fromsplit#MapOne().
- Add function/uniquify.vim module.
- Add ingo#compat#FromKey() for the reversing of ingo#compat#DictKey().
- Add ingo#collections#SortOnOneListElement(), a variant of ingo#collections#SortOnOneAttribute().
- Add ingo#regexp#MakeWholeWORDSearch() variant of ingo#regexp#MakeWholeWordSearch().
- Add ingo/file.vim module.
- Add ingo#cmdargs#pattern#PatternExpr().
- BUG: ingo#text#replace#Between() and ingo#text#replace#Area() mistakenly update current line instead of passed position.
- BUG: ingo#text#replace#Between() and ingo#text#replace#Area() cause "E684: list index out of range: 0" when the replacement text is empty.
- FIX: Off-by-one in ingo#area#IsEmpty(). Also check for invalid area.
- Add ingo#area#EmptyArea().
- FIX: Make ingo#pos#Before() return column 0 if passed a position with column 1; this matches the behavior of ingo#pos#After(), which also returns a non-existent position directly after the last character, and this fits in well with the area functions.
- Add ingo#regexp#deconstruct#{Translate,Remove}CharacterClasses(), ingo#regexp#deconstruct#TranslateNumberEscapes(), ingo#regexp#deconstruct#TranslateBranches()  and include all translations in ingo#regexp#deconstruct#ToQuasiLiteral().
- FIX: Don't match optionally matched atoms \%[] in ingo#regexp#collection#Expr().
- ENH: Add a:option.isCapture to ingo#regexp#collection#Expr().
ingo-library-1.035.vmb.gz 1.035 2018-09-29 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo#compat#commands#NormalWithCount().
- Add ingo#compat#haslocaldir().
- Add ingo/workingdir.vim module.
- Add ingo/selection/virtcols.vim module.
- Add ingo/str/list.vim module.
- Add ingo#funcref#AsString().
- Add ingo#compat#execute().
- Add ingo#option#GetBinaryOptionValue().
- Add ingo/buffer/ephemeral.vim module.
- Add ingo/lists/find.vim module.
- Add ingo/folds/containment.vim module.
- Add ingo/ftplugin/setting.vim module.
- Extract generic ingo#plugin#cmdcomplete#MakeCompleteFunc().
- Add ingo#fs#path#split#StartsWith() (we already had ingo#fs#path#split#EndsWith()).
- Add ingo#fs#path#Canonicalize().
- Add ingo#avoidprompt#EchoMsg() and ingo#avoidprompt#EchoMsgAsSingleLine().
- Tweak ingo#avoidprompt#MaxLength() algorithm; empirical testing showed that 1 more needs to be subtracted if :set noshowcmd ruler. Thanks to an9wer for making me aware of this.
- CHG: Move ingo#list#Matches() to ingo#list#pattern#AllItemsMatch(). The previous name wasn't very clear.
- Add ingo#list#pattern#{First,All}Match[Index]() functions.
- ingo#query#{get#Number,fromlist#Query}(): ENH: Also support number entry with leading zeros
- ingo#query#fromlist#Query(): BUG: Cannot conclude multi-digit entry with <Enter>
- ingo#query#fromlist#Query(): BUG: Typing non-accellerator non-number characters are treated as literal "0"
- Add ingo/lists.vim module.
- Add ingo/regexp/capture.vim module.
- Add ingo#cmdargs#substitute#GetFlags().
- Add ingo#subst#Indexed().
- Add ingo#regexp#split#PrefixGroupsSuffix().
- Add ingo#collections#SplitIntoMatches().
- Add ingo#regexp#collection#ToBranches().
- Add ingo/regexp/{deconstruct,length,multi} modules.
- Add ingo#range#Is{In,Out}side().
- Add ingo/cursor/keep.vim module.
- Add ingo#folds#GetOpenFoldRange().
- ingo#compat#commands#keeppatterns(): Don't remove the last search pattern when the search history wasn't modified. Allow to force compatibility function via g:IngoLibrary_CompatFor here, too.
- Add ingo#regexp#split#GlobalFlags().
- Add ingo#regexp#IsValid() (from mark.vim plugin).
- Add ingo#matches#Any() and ingo#matches#All().
- Add ingo#list#split#RemoveFromStartWhilePredicate().
- Add ingo#cmdargs#file#FilterFileOptions() variant of ingo#cmdargs#file#FilterFileOptionsAndCommands()
- Add ingo#cmdargs#file#FileOptionsAndCommandsToEscapedExCommandLine() and combining ingo#cmdargs#file#FilterFileOptionsToEscaped() and ingo#cmdargs#file#FilterFileOptionsAndCommandsToEscaped().
- Add ingo#list#AddNonEmpty().
ingo-library-1.034.vmb.gz 1.034 2018-02-13 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo/regexp/split.vim module.
- Add ingo#folds#LastVisibleLine(), ingo#folds#NextClosedLine(), ingo#folds#LastClosedLine() variants of existing ingo#folds#NextVisibleLine().
- Add ingo/plugin/rendered.vim module.
- Add ingo/change.vim module.
- Add ingo#undo#IsEnabled().
- Add ingo#str#split#AtPrefix() and ingo#str#split#AtSuffix().
- Add ingo/lnum.vim module.
- Add ingo#text#GetCharVirtCol().
- Add ingo#compat#matchstrpos().
ingo-library-1.033.vmb.gz 1.033 2017-12-14 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo/subs/BraceCreation.vim and ingo/subs/BraceExpansion.vim modules.
- Add ingo#query#get#WritableRegister() variant of ingo#query#get#Register().
- Add ingo#str#find#StartIndex().
- Fix recursive invocations of ingo#buffer#generate#Create().
- Add ingo#mbyte#virtcol#GetColOfVirtCol().
- Expose ingo#plugin#marks#FindUnused(), and have it optionally take the considered marks.
- Add ingo#plugin#marks#Reuse().
- BUG: ingo#syntaxitem#IsOnSyntax() considers empty a:stopItemPattern as unconditional stop.
- Add ingo#regexp#build#UnderCursor().
- Add ingo#escape#command#mapeval().
- Add ingo#range#IsEntireBuffer().
- Add ingo/compat/commands.vim module.
- Add ingo#register#All() and ingo#register#Writable() (so that this information doesn't have to be duplicated any longer).
- FIX: ingo#query#get#WritableRegister() doesn't consider all writable registers (-_* are writable, too).
- Add ingo/register/accumulate.vim module.
- Add ingo/tabpage.vim module.
- Add ingo#list#NonEmpty() and ingo#list#JoinNonEmpty().
- Factor out ingo#filetype#GetPrimary() from ingo#filetype#IsPrimary().
- Add ingo#fs#path#split#ChangeBasePath().
- ENH: ingo#funcref#ToString() returns non-Funcref argument as is (instead of empty String). This allows to transparently handle function names (as String), too.
- ingo#event#Trigger(): Temporarily disable modeline processing in compatibility implementation.
- Add ingo#event#TriggerEverywhere() and ingo#event#TriggerEverywhereCustom() compatibility wrappers for :doautoall <nomodeline>.
ingo-library-1.032.vmb.gz 1.032 2017-09-20 7.0 Ingo Karkat - ingo#query#get#{Register,Mark}(): Avoid throwing E523 on invalid user input when executed e.g. from within a |:map-expr|.
- Add ingo/subst/replacement.vim module with functions originally in PatternsOnText.vim (vimscript #4602).
- Add ingo/lines/empty.vim module.
- CHG: Rename ingo#str#split#First() to ingo#str#split#MatchFirst() and add ingo#str#split#StrFirst() variant that uses a fixed string, not a pattern.
- Add ingo/list/lcs.vim module.
- Add ingo#list#IsEmpty().
- Add ingo/collection/find.vim module.
- Add ingo/window.vim and ingo/window/adjacent modules.
- Add ingo#list#Matches().
- Add ingo/list/sequence.vim module.
- Add ingo#fs#path#IsAbsolute() and ingo#fs#path#IsUpwards().
- Add ingo/area/frompattern.vim module.
- CHG: Rename ingo#selection#position#Get() to ingo#selection#area#Get(). Extend the function's API with options.
- Add ingo#text#GetFromArea().
- CHG: Rename ingo#text#replace#Area() to ingo#text#replace#Between() and add ingo#text#replace#Area() that actually takes a (single) a:area argument.
- Add ingo/area.vim module.
- Add ingo#query#fromlist#QueryAsText() variant of ingo#query#fromlist#Query().
- ENH: ingo#buffer#scratch#Create(): Allow to set the scratch buffer contents directly by passing a List as a:scratchCommand.
- Extract generic ingo#buffer#generate#Create() from ingo/buffer/scratch.vim.
- Add ingo#plugin#cmdcomplete#MakeListExprCompleteFunc() variant of ingo#plugin#cmdcomplete#MakeFixedListCompleteFunc().
- Add ingo/ftplugin/converter/external.vim module.
ingo-library-1.031.vmb.gz 1.031 2017-06-27 7.0 Ingo Karkat *** First release that's also available on GitHub: https://github.com/inkarkat/vim-ingo-library ***
- FIX: Potentially invalid indexing of l:otherResult[l:i] in s:GetUnjoinedResult(). Use get() for inner List access, too.
- Add special ingo#compat#synstack to work around missing patch 7.2.014: synstack() doesn't work in an empty line.
- BUG: ingo#comments#SplitIndentAndText() and ingo#comments#RemoveCommentPrefix() fail with nestable comment prefixes with "E688: More targets than List items".
ingo-library-1.030.vmb.gz 1.030 2017-05-26 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add escaping of additional values to ingo#option#Join() and split into ingo#option#Append() and ingo#option#Prepend().
- Offer simpler ingo#option#JoinEscaped() and ingo#option#JoinUnescaped() for actual joining of values split via ingo#option#Split() / ingo#option#SplitAndUnescape().
- Add ingo#str#EndsWith() variant of ingo#fs#path#split#Contains().
- Add ingo#regexp#comments#GetFlexibleWhitespaceAndCommentPrefixPattern().
- Add ingo/hlgroup.vim module.
- Add ingo#cursor#StartInsert() and ingo#cursor#StartAppend().
- Add ingo/compat/command.vim module.
- Add ingo#plugin#setting#Default().
- BUG: ingo#mbyte#virtcol#GetVirtColOfCurrentCharacter() yields wrong values with single-width multibyte characters, and at the beginning of the line (column 1). Need to start with offset 1 (not 0), and account for that (subtract 1) in the final return. Need to check that the virtcol argument will be larger than 0.
- Add ingo#format#Dict() variant of ingo#format#Format() that only handles identifier placeholders and a Dict containing them.
- ENH: ingo#format#Format(): Also handle a:fmt without any "%" items without error.
- Add ingo#compat#DictKey(), as Vim 7.4.1707 now allows using an empty dictionary key.
- Add ingo#os#IsWindowsShell().
- Generalize functions into ingo/nary.vim and delegate ingo#binary#...() functions to those. Add ingo/nary.vim module.
- ENH: ingo#regexp#collection#LiteralToRegexp(): Support inverted collection via optional a:isInvert flag.
- Add ingo#strdisplaywidth#CutLeft() variant of ingo#strdisplaywidth#strleft() that returns both parts. Same for ingo#strdisplaywidth#strright().
- CHG: Rename ill-named ingo#strdisplaywidth#pad#Middle() to ingo#strdisplaywidth#pad#Center().
- Add "real" ingo#strdisplaywidth#pad#Middle() that inserts the padding in the middle of the string / between the two passed string parts.
- Add ingo#fs#path#split#PathAndName().
- Add ingo#text#ReplaceChar(), a combination of ingo#text#GetChar(), ingo#text#Remove(), and ingo#text#Insert().
- Add ingo#err#Command() for an alternative way of passing back [error] commands to be executed.
- ingo#syntaxitem#IsOnSyntax(): Factor out synstack() emulation into ingo#compat#synstack() and unify similar function variants.
- ENH: ingo#syntaxitem#IsOnSyntax(): Allow optional a:stopItemPattern to avoid considering syntax items at the bottom of the stack.
- Add ingo#compat#synstack().
- Add ingo/dict/count.vim module.
- Add ingo/digest.vim module.
- Add ingo#buffer#VisibleList().
ingo-library-1.029.vmb.gz 1.029 2017-01-24 7.0 Ingo Karkat - CHG: ingo#comments#RemoveCommentPrefix() isn't useful as it omits any indent before the comment prefix. Change its implementation to just erase the prefix itself.
- Add ingo#comments#SplitIndentAndText() to provide what ingo#comments#RemoveCommentPrefix() was previously used to: The line broken into indent (before, after, and with the comment prefix), and the remaining text.
- Add ingo#indent#Split(), a simpler version of ingo#comments#SplitIndentAndText().
- Add ingo#fs#traversal#FindFirstContainedInUpDir().
- ingo#range#lines#Get(): A single (a:isGetAllRanges = 0) /.../ range already clobbers the last search pattern. Save and restore if necessary, and base didClobberSearchHistory on that check.
- ingo#range#lines#Get(): Drop the ^ anchor for the range check to also detect /.../ as the end of the range.
- Add ingo#cmdargs#register#ParsePrependedWritableRegister() alternative to ingo#cmdargs#register#ParseAppendedWritableRegister().
- BUG: Optional a:position argument to ingo#window#preview#SplitToPreview() is mistakenly truncated to [1:2]. Inline the l:cursor and l:bufnr variables; they are only used in the function call, anyway.
- Add ingo/str/find.vim module.
- Add ingo/str/fromrange.vim module.
- Add ingo#pos#SameLineIs[OnOr]After/Before() variants.
- Add ingo/regexp/build.vim module.
- Add ingo#err#SetAndBeep().
- FIX: ingo#query#get#Char() does not beep when validExpr is given and invalid character pressed.
- Add ingo#query#get#ValidChar() variant that loops until a valid character has been pressed.
- Add ingo/range/invert.vim module.
- Add ingo/line/replace.vim and ingo/lines/replace.vim modules.
- Extract ingo#range#merge#FromLnums() from ingo#range#merge#Merge().
- ingo#range#lines#Get(): If the range is a backwards-looking ?{pattern}?, we need to attempt the match on any line with :global/^/... Else, the border behavior is inconsistent: ranges that extend the passed range at the bottom are (partially) included, but ranges that extend at the front would not be.
- Add ingo/math.vim, ingo/binary.vim and ingo/list/split.vim modules.
- Add ingo#comments#SplitAll(), a more powerful variant of ingo#comments#SplitIndentAndText().
- Add ingo#compat#systemlist().
- Add ingo#escape#OnlyUnescaped().
- Add ingo#msg#ColoredMsg() and ingo#msg#ColoredStatusMsg().
- Add ingo/query/recall.vim module.
- Add ingo#register#GetAsList().
- FIX: ingo#format#Format(): An invalid %0$ references the last passed argument instead of yielding the empty string (as [argument-index$] is 1-based). Add bounds check to avoid that
- FIX: ingo#format#Format(): Also support escaping via "%%", as in printf().
- Add ingo#subst#FirstSubstitution(), ingo#subst#FirstPattern(), ingo#subst#FirstParameter().
- Add ingo#regexp#collection#Expr().
- BUG: ingo#regexp#magic#Normalize() also processes the contents of collections [...]; especially the escaping of "]" wreaks havoc on the pattern. Rename s:ConvertMagicness() into ingo#regexp#magic#ConvertMagicnessOfElement() and introduce intermediate s:ConvertMagicnessOfFragment() that first separates collections from other elements and only invokes the former on those other elements.
- Add ingo#collections#fromsplit#MapItemsAndSeparators().
ingo-library-1.028.vmb.gz 1.028 2016-11-30 7.0 Ingo Karkat - ENH: Also support optional a:flagsMatchCount in ingo#cmdargs#pattern#ParseUnescaped() and ingo#cmdargs#pattern#ParseUnescapedWithLiteralWholeWord().
- Add missing ingo#cmdargs#pattern#ParseWithLiteralWholeWord() variant.
- ingo#codec#URL#Decode(): Also convert the character set to UTF-8 to properly handle non-ASCII characters. For example, %C3%9C should decode to "Ü", not to "Éœ".
- Add ingo#collections#SeparateItemsAndSeparators(), a variant of ingo#collections#SplitKeepSeparators().
- Add ingo/collections/fromsplit.vim module.
- Add ingo#list#Join().
- Add ingo/compat/window.vim module.
- Add ingo/fs/path/asfilename.vim module.
- Add ingo/list/find.vim module.
- Add ingo#option#Join().
- FIX: Correct delegation in ingo#buffer#temp#Execute(); wrong recursive call was used (after 1.027).
- ENH: Add optional a:isSilent argument to ingo#buffer#temp#Execute().
- ENH: Add optional a:reservedColumns also to ingo#avoidprompt#TruncateTo(), and pass this from ingo#avoidprompt#Truncate().
- ingo#avoidprompt#TruncateTo(): The strright() cannot precisely account for the rendering of tab widths. Check the result, and if necessary, remove further characters until we go below the limit.
- ENH: Add optional {context} to all ingo#err#... functions, in case other custom commands can be called between error setting and checking, to avoid clobbering of your error message.
- Add ingo/buffer/locate.vim module.
- Add ingo/window/locate.vim module.
- Add ingo/indent.vim module.
- Add ingo#compat#getcurpos().
ingo-library-1.027.vmb.gz 1.027 2016-09-30 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo#buffer#temp#ExecuteWithText() and ingo#buffer#temp#CallWithText() variants that pre-initialize the buffer (a common use case).
- Add ingo#msg#MsgFromShellError().
- ENH: ingo#query#fromlist#Query(): Support headless (testing) mode via g:IngoLibrary_QueryChoices, like ingo#query#Confirm() already does.
- Expose ingo#query#fromlist#RenderList(). Expose ingo#query#StripAccellerator().
- ENH: ingo#cmdargs#pattern#Parse(): Add second optional a:flagsMatchCount argument, similar to what ingo#cmdargs#substitute#Parse() has in a:options.
- Add ingo#cmdargs#pattern#RawParse().
- Add ingo/regexp/collection.vim module.
- Add ingo#str#trd().
ingo-library-1.026.vmb.gz 1.026 2016-08-11 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo#strdisplaywidth#pad#Middle().
- Add ingo/format/columns.vim module.
- ENH: ingo#avoidprompt#TruncateTo() and ingo#strdisplaywidth#TruncateTo() have a configurable ellipsis string g:IngoLibrary_TruncateEllipsis, now defaulting to a single-char UTF-8 variant if we're in such encoding. Thanks to Daniel Hahler for sending a patch! It also handles pathologically small lengths that only show / cut into the ellipsis.
- Add ingo#compat#strgetchar() and ingo#compat#strcharpart(), introduced in Vim 7.4.1730.
- Support ingo#compat#strchars() optional {skipcc} argument, introduced in Vim 7.4.755.
ingo-library-1.025.vmb.gz 1.025 2016-08-09 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo#str#Contains().
- Add ingo#fs#path#split#Contains().
- ingo#subst#pairs#Substitute(): Canonicalize path separators in {replacement}, too. This is important to match further pairs, too, as the pattern is always in canonical form, so the replacement has to be, too.
- ingo#subst#pairs#Substitute() and ingo#subst#pairs#Split(): Only canonicalize path separators in {replacement} on demand, via additional a:isCanonicalizeReplacement argument. Some clients may not need iterative replacement, and treat the wildcard as a convenient regexp-shorthand, not overly filesystem-related.
- ENH: Allow passing to ingo#subst#pairs#Substitute() [wildcard, replacement] Lists instead of {wildcard}={replacement} Strings, too.
- Add ingo#collections#Partition().
- Add ingo#text#frompattern#GetAroundHere().
- Add ingo#cmdline#showmode#TemporaryNoShowMode() variant of ingo#cmdline#showmode#OneLineTemporaryNoShowMode().
- ENH: Enable customization of ingo#window#special#IsSpecialWindow() via g:IngoLibrary_SpecialWindowPredicates.
- Add ingo#query#Question().
- ENH: Make ingo#window#special#SaveSpecialWindowSize() return sum of special windows' widths and sum of special windows' heights.
- Add ingo/swap.vim module.
- Add ingo#collections#unique#Insert() and ingo#collections#unique#Add().
- BUG: Unescaped backslash resulted in unclosed [...] regexp collection causing ingo#escape#file#fnameunescape() to fail to escape on Unix.
- Add ingo#text#GetCharBefore() variant of ingo#text#GetChar().
- Add optional a:characterOffset to ingo#record#PositionAndLocation().
- Add ingo#regexp#MakeStartWordSearch() ingo#regexp#MakeEndWordSearch() variants of ingo#regexp#MakeWholeWordSearch().
- Add ingo#pos#IsInsideVisualSelection().
- Add ingo#escape#command#mapunescape().
- ENH: Add second optional flag a:isKeepDirectories to ingo#cmdargs#glob#Expand() / ingo#cmdargs#glob#ExpandSingle().
- Add ingo#range#borders#StartAndEndRange().
- Add ingo#msg#VerboseMsg().
- Add ingo#compat#sha256(), with a fallback to an external sha256sum command.
- Add ingo#collections#Reduce().
- Add ingo/actions/iterations.vim module.
- Add ingo/actions/special.vim module.
- Add ingo#collections#differences#ContainsLoosely() and ingo#collections#differences#ContainsStrictly().
- Add ingo#buffer#ExistOtherLoadedBuffers().
- FIX: Temporarily reset 'switchbuf' in ingo#buffer#visible#Execute() and ingo#buffer#temp#Execute(), to avoid that "usetab" switched to another tab page.
- ingo#msg#HighlightMsg(): Make a:hlgroup optional, default to 'None' (so the function is useful to return to normal highlighting).
- Add ingo#msg#HighlightN(), an :echon variant.
ingo-library-1.024.vmb.gz 1.024 2015-04-23 7.0 Ingo Karkat - FIX: Also correctly set change marks when replacing entire buffer with ingo#lines#Replace().
- Add ingo/collections/differences.vim module.
- Add ingo/compat/regexp.vim module.
- Add ingo/encoding.vim module.
- Add ingo/str/join.vim module.
- Add ingo#option#SplitAndUnescape().
- Add ingo#list#Zip() and ingo#list#ZipLongest().
- ingo#buffer#visible#Execute(): Restore the window layout when the buffer is visible but in a window with 0 height / width. And restore the previous window when the buffer isn't visible yet. Add a check that the command hasn't switched to another window (and go back if true) before closing the split window.
- Add ingo/regexp/virtcols.vim module.
- Add ingo#str#GetVirtCols() and ingo#text#RemoveVirtCol().
- FIX: Off-by-one: Allow column 1 in ingo#text#Remove().
- BUG: ingo#buffer#scratch#Create() with existing scratch buffer yields "E95: Buffer with this name already exists" instead of reusing the buffer.
- Keep current cursor position when ingo#buffer#scratch#Create() removes the first empty line in the scratch buffer.
- ingo#text#frompattern#GetHere(): Do not move the cursor (to the end of the matched pattern); this is unexpected and can be easily avoided.
- FIX: ingo#cmdargs#GetStringExpr(): Escape (unescaped) double quotes when the argument contains backslashes; else, the expansion of \x will silently fail.
- Add ingo#cmdargs#GetUnescapedExpr(); when there's no need for empty expressions, the removal of the (single / double) quotes may be unexpected.
- ingo#text#Insert(): Also allow insertion one beyond the last line (in column 1), just like setline() allows.
- Rename ingo#date#format#Human() to ingo#date#format#Preferred(), default to %x value for strftime(), and allow to customize that (even dynamically, maybe based on 'spelllang').
- Add optional a:templateForNewBuffer argument to ingo#fs#tempfile#Make() and ensure (by default) that the temp file isn't yet loaded in a Vim buffer (which would generate "E139: file is loaded in another buffer" on the usual :write, :saveas commands).
- Add ingo#compat#shiftwidth(), taken from :h shiftwidth().
ingo-library-1.023.vmb.gz 1.023 2015-02-09 7.0 Ingo Karkat - ENH: Make ingo#selection#frompattern#GetPositions() automatically convert \%# in the passed a:pattern to the hard-coded cursor column.
- Add ingo#collections#mapsort().
- Add ingo/collections/memoized.vim module.
- ENH: Add optional a:isReturnAsList flag to ingo#buffer#temp#Execute() and ingo#buffer#temp#Call().
- ENH: Also allow passing an items List to ingo#dict#Mirror() and ingo#dict#AddMirrored() (useful to influence which key from equal values is used).
- ENH: Also support optional a:isEnsureUniqueness flag for ingo#dict#FromItems().
- Expose ingo#regexp#MakeWholeWordSearch().
- Add ingo#plugin#setting#GetTabLocal().
- ENH: Add a:isFile flag to ingo#escape#file#bufnameescape() in order to do full matching on scratch buffer names. There, the expansion to a full absolute path must be skipped in order to match.
- ENH: Add a:isGetAllRanges optional argument to ingo#range#lines#Get().
- Add ingo#strdisplaywidth#TruncateTo().
- Add ingo/str/frompattern.vim module.
- Add ingo/folds/persistence.vim module.
- Add ingo#cmdargs#pattern#IsDelimited().
- Support ingo#query#fromlist#Query() querying of more than 10 elements by number. Break listing of query choices into multiple lines when the overall question doesn't fit in a single line.
- Add ingo/event.vim module.
- Add ingo/range/merge.vim module.
- Add ingo#filetype#IsPrimary().
- Add ingo#plugin#setting#GetScope().
- Add ingo#regexp#fromwildcard#AnchoredToPathBoundaries().
- Use :close! in ingo#buffer#visible#Execute() to handle modified buffers when :set nohidden, too.
- Improve heuristics of ingo#window#quickfix#IsQuickfixList() to also handle empty location list (with non-empty quickfix list).
- Minor: ingo#text#Remove(): Correct exception prefix.
- Add ingo#window#quickfix#TranslateVirtualColToByteCount() from autoload/QuickFixCurrentNumber.vim.
ingo-library-1.022.vmb.gz 1.022 2014-09-26 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo#pos#Before() and ingo#pos#After().
- Move LineJuggler#FoldClosed() and LineJuggler#FoldClosedEnd() into ingo-library as ingo#range#NetStart() and ingo#range#NetEnd().
- Add ingo/regexp/pairs.vim module.
- Add ingo#compat#glob() and ingo#compat#globpath().
- ingo#range#lines#Get() needs to consider and temporarily disable closed folds when resolving /{pattern}/ ranges.
ingo-library-1.021.vmb.gz 1.021 2014-07-10 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo#compat#uniq().
- Add ingo#option#Contains() and ingo#option#ContainsOneOf().
- BUG: Wrong position type causes ingo#selection#position#get() to be one-off with :set selection=exclusive and when the cursor is after the selection.
- Use built-in changenr() in ingo#undo#GetChangeNumber(); actually, the entire function could be replaced by the built-in, if it would not just return one less than the number of the undone change after undo. We want the result to represent the current change, regardless of what undo / redo was done earlier. Change the implementation to test for whether the current change is the last in the buffer, and if not, make a no-op change to get to an explicit change state.
- Simplify ingo#buffer#temprange#Execute() by using changenr(). Keep using ingo#undo#GetChangeNumber() because we need to create a new no-op change when there was a previous :undo.
- Add ingo/smartcase.vim module.
- FIX: ingo#cmdargs#substitute#Parse() branch for special case of {flags} without /pat/string/ must only be entered when a:arguments is not empty.
- ENH: Allow to pass path separator to ingo#regexp#fromwildcard#Convert() and ingo#regexp#fromwildcard#IsWildcardPathPattern().
- Add ingo/collections/permute.vim module.
- Add ingo#window#preview#OpenFilespec(), a wrapper around :pedit that performs the fnameescape() and obeys the custom g:previewwindowsplitmode.
ingo-library-1.020.vmb.gz 1.020 2014-06-11 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo/dict/find.vim module.
- Use ingo#escape#Unescape() in ingo#cmdargs#pattern#Unescape(). Add ingo#cmdargs#pattern#ParseUnescaped() to avoid the double and inefficient ingo#cmdargs#pattern#Unescape(ingo#cmdargs#pattern#Parse()) so far used by many clients.
- Add ingo#cmdargs#pattern#ParseUnescapedWithLiteralWholeWord() for the common [/]{pattern}[/ behavior as built-in commands like |:djump|]. When the pattern isn't delimited by /.../, the returned pattern is modified so that only literal whole words are matched. so far used by many clients.
- CHG: At ingo#regexp#FromLiteralText(), add the a:isWholeWordSearch also on either side, or when there are non-keyword characters in the middle of the text. The * command behavior where this is modeled after only handles a smaller subset, and this extension looks sensible and DWIM.
- Add ingo#compat#abs().
- Factor out and expose ingo#text#Replace#Area().
- CHG: When replacing at the cursor position, also jump to the beginning of the replacement. This is more consistent with Vim's default behavior.
- Add ingo/record.vim module.
- ENH: Allow passing optional a:tabnr to ingo#window#preview#IsPreviewWindowVisible().
- Factor out ingo#window#preview#OpenBuffer().
- CHG: Change optional a:cursor argument of ingo#window#preview#SplitToPreview() from 4-tuple getpos()-style to [lnum, col]-style.
- Add ingo/query/fromlist.vim module.
- Add ingo/option.vim module.
- Add ingo/join.vim module.
- Expose ingo#actions#GetValExpr().
- Add ingo/range/lines.vim module.
- ENH: Add a:options.commandExpr to ingo#cmdargs#range#Parse().
ingo-library-1.019.vmb.gz 1.019 2014-05-24 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo#plugin#setting#BooleanToStringValue().
- Add ingo#strdisplaywidth#GetMinMax().
- Add ingo/undo.vim module.
- Add ingo/query.vim module.
- Add ingo/pos.vim module.
- Add optional a:isBeep argument to ingo#msg#ErrorMsg().
- ingo#fs#path#Normalize(): Don't normalize to Cygwin /cygdrive/x/... when the chosen path separator is "\". This would result in a mixed separator style that is not actually handled.
- ingo#fs#path#Normalize(): Add special normalization to "C:/" on Cygwin via ":/" path separator argument.
- In ingo#actions#EvaluateWithValOrFunc(), remove any occurrence of "v:val" instead of passing an empty list or empty string. This is useful for invoking functions (an expression, not Funcref) with optional arguments.
- ENH: Make ingo#lines#Replace() handle replacement with nothing (empty List) and replacing the entire buffer (without leaving an additional empty line).
- Correct ingo#query#confirm#AutoAccelerators() default choice when not given (1 instead of 0). Avoid using the default choice's first character as accelerator unless in GUI dialog, as the plain text confirm() assigns a default accelerator.
- Move subs/URL.vim into ingo-library as ingo/codec/URL.vim module.
- Allow optional a:ignorecase argument for ingo#str#StartsWith() and ingo#str#EndsWith().
- Add ingo#fs#path#IsCaseInsensitive().
- Add ingo#str#Equals() for when it's convenient to pass in the a:ignorecase flag. This avoids coding the conditional between ==# and ==? yourself.
- Add ingo/fs/path/split.vim module.
- Add ingo#fs#path#Exists().
- FIX: Correct ingo#escape#file#wildcardescape() of * and ? on Windows.
ingo-library-1.018.vmb.gz 1.018 2014-04-14 7.0 Ingo Karkat - FIX: Off-by-one: Allow column 1 in ingo#text#Insert(). Add special cases for insertion at front and end of line (in the hope that this is more efficient).
- Add ingo#escape#file#wildcardescape().
- I18N: Correctly capture last multi-byte character in ingo#text#Get(); don't just add one to the end column, but instead match at the column itself, too.
- Add optional a:isExclusive flag to ingo#text#Get(), as clients may end up with that position, and doing a correct I18N-safe decrease before getting the text is a hen-and-egg problem.
- Add ingo/buffer/temprange.vim module.
- Add ingo#cursor#IsAtEndOfLine().
- FIX: Off-by-one in emulated ingo#compat#strdisplaywidth() reported one too few.
ingo-library-1.017.vmb.gz 1.017 2014-03-13 7.0 Ingo Karkat - CHG: Make ingo#cmdargs#file#FilterFileOptionsAndCommands() return the options and commands in a List, not as a joined String. This allows clients to easily re-escape them and handle multiple ones, e.g. ++ff=dos +setf\ foo.
- Add workarounds for fnameescape() bugs on Windows for ! and [] characters.
- Add ingo#escape#UnescapeExpr().
- Add ingo/str/restricted.vim module.
- Make ingo#query#get#Char() only abort on <Esc> when that character is not in the validExpr (to allow to explicitly query it).
- Add ingo/query/substitute.vim module.
- Add ingo/subst/expr/emulation.vim module.
- Add ingo/cmdargs/register.vim module.
ingo-library-1.016.vmb.gz 1.016 2014-01-22 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo#window#quickfix#GetList() and ingo#window#quickfix#SetList().
- Add ingo/cursor.vim module.
- Add ingo#text#Insert() and ingo#text#Remove().
- Add ingo#str#StartsWith() and ingo#str#EndsWith().
- Add ingo#dict#Mirror() and ingo#dict#AddMirrored().
- BUG: Wrap :autocmd! undo_ftplugin_N in :execute to that superordinated ftplugins can append additional undo commands without causing "E216: No such group or event: undo_ftplugin_N|setlocal".
- Add ingo/motion/helper.vim module.
- Add ingo/motion/omap.vim module.
- Add ingo/subst/pairs.vim module.
- Add ingo/plugin/compiler.vim module.
- Move ingo#escape#shellcommand#shellcmdescape() to ingo#compat#shellcommand#escape(), as it is only required for older Vim versions.
ingo-library-1.015.vmb.gz 1.015 2013-11-28 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo/format.vim module.
- FIX: Actually return the result of a Funcref passed to ingo#register#KeepRegisterExecuteOrFunc().
- Make buffer argument of ingo#buffer#IsBlank() optional, defaulting to the current buffer.
- Allow use of ingo#buffer#IsEmpty() with other buffers.
- CHG: Pass _all_ additional arguments of ingo#actions#ValueOrFunc(), ingo#actions#NormalOrFunc(), ingo#actions#ExecuteOrFunc(), ingo#actions#EvaluateOrFunc() instead of only the first (interpreted as a List of arguments) when passed a Funcref as a:Action.
- Add ingo#compat#setpos().
- Add ingo/print.vim module.
ingo-library-1.014.vmb.gz 1.014 2013-11-14 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo/date/format.vim module.
- Add ingo#os#PathSeparator().
- Add ingo/foldtext.vim module.
- Add ingo#os#IsCygwin().
- ingo#fs#path#Normalize(): Also convert between the different D:\ and /cygdrive/d/ notations on Windows and Cygwin.
- Add ingo#text#frompattern#GetHere().
- Add ingo/date/epoch.vim module.
- Add ingo#buffer#IsPersisted().
- Add ingo/list.vim module.
- Add ingo/query/confirm.vim module.
- Add ingo#text#GetChar().
- Add ingo/regexp/fromwildcard.vim module (contributed by the EditSimilar.vim
  plugin). In constrast to the simpler ingo#regexp#FromWildcard(), this
  handles the full range of wildcards and considers the path separators on
  different platforms.
- Add ingo#register#KeepRegisterExecuteOrFunc().
- Add ingo#actions#ValueOrFunc().
- Add ingo/funcref.vim module.
- Add month and year granularity to ingo#date#HumanReltime().
- Add ingo/units.vim module.
ingo-library-1.013.vmb.gz 1.013 2013-09-13 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Also avoid clobbering the last change ('.') in ingo#selection#Get() when 'cpo' contains "y".
- Name the temp buffer for ingo#buffer#temp#Execute() and re-use previous instances to avoid increasing the buffer numbers and output of :ls!.
- CHG: Make a:isIgnoreIndent flag to ingo#comments#CheckComment() optional and add a:isStripNonEssentialWhiteSpaceFromCommentString, which is also on by default for DWIM.
- CHG: Don't strip whitespace in ingo#comments#RemoveCommentPrefix(); with the changed ingo#comments#CheckComment() default behavior, this isn't necessary, and is unexpected.
- ingo#comments#RenderComment: When the text starts with indent identical to what 'commentstring' would render, avoid having duplicate indent.
- Minor: Return last search pattern instead of empty string on ingo#search#pattern#GetLastForwardSearch(0).
- Avoid using \ze in ingo#regexp#comments#CommentToExpression(). It may be used in a larger expression that still wants to match after the prefix.
- FIX: Correct case of ingo#os#IsWin*() function names.
- ingo#regexp#FromWildcard(): Limit * glob matching to individual path components and add ** for cross-directory matching.
- Consistently use operating system detection functions from ingo/os.vim within the ingo-library.
ingo-library-1.012.vmb.gz 1.012 2013-09-05 7.0 Ingo Karkat - CHG: Change return value format of ingo#selection#frompattern#GetPositions() to better match the arguments of functions like ingo#text#Get().
- Add ingo/os.vim module.
- Add ingo#compat#fnameescape() and ingo#compat#shellescape() from escapings.vim.
- Add remaining former escapings.vim functions as ingo/escape/shellcommand.vim
  and ingo/escape/file.vim modules.
- Add ingo/motion/boundary.vim module.
- Add ingo#compat#maparg().
- Add ingo/escape/command.vim module.
- Add ingo/text/frompattern.vim module.
ingo-library-1.011.vmb.gz 1.011 2013-08-02 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo/range.vim module.
- Add ingo/register.vim module.
- Make ingo#collections#ToDict() handle empty list items via an optional a:emptyValue argument. This also distinguishes it from ingo#dict#FromKeys().
- ENH: Handle empty list items in ingo#collections#Unique() and ingo#collections#UniqueStable().
- Add ingo/gui/position.vim module.
- Add ingo/filetype.vim module.
- Add ingo/ftplugin/onbufwinenter.vim module.
- Add ingo/selection/frompattern.vim module.
- Add ingo/text.vim module.
- Add ingo/ftplugin/windowsettings.vim module.
- Add ingo/text/replace.vim module.
- FIX: Use the rules for the /pattern/ separator as stated in :help E146 for ingo#cmdargs#pattern#Parse() and ingo#cmdargs#substitute#Parse().
- FIX: Off-by-one in ingo#strdisplaywidth#HasMoreThan() and ingo#strdisplaywidth#strleft().
- Add ingo#str#Reverse().
- ingo#fs#traversal#FindLastContainedInUpDir now defaults to the current buffer's directory; omit the argument.
- Add ingo#actions#EvaluateWithValOrFunc().
- Extract ingo#fs#path#IsUncPathRoot().
- Add ingo#fs#traversal#FindDirUpwards().
ingo-library-1.010.vmb.gz 1.010 2013-07-09 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo/actions.vim module.
- Add ingo/cursor/move.vim module.
- Add ingo#collections#unique#AddNew() and ingo#collections#unique#InsertNew().
- Add ingo/selection/position.vim module.
- Add ingo/plugin/marks.vim module.
- Add ingo/date.vim module.
- Add ingo#buffer#IsEmpty().
- Add ingo/buffer/scratch.vim module.
- Add ingo/cmdargs/command.vim module.
- Add ingo/cmdargs/commandcommands.vim module.
- Add ingo/cmdargs/range.vim module.
ingo-library-1.009.vmb.gz 1.009 2013-07-03 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Minor: Make substitute() robust against 'ignorecase' in various functions.
- Add ingo/subst.vim module.
- Add ingo/escape.vim module.
- Add ingo/regexp/comments.vim module.
- Add ingo/cmdline/showmode.vim module.
- Add ingo/str.vim module.
- Add ingo/strdisplaywidth/pad.vim module.
- Add ingo/dict.vim module.
- Add ingo#msg#HighlightMsg(), and allow to pass an optional highlight group to ingo#msg#StatusMsg().
- Add ingo#collections#Flatten() and ingo#collections#Flatten1().
- Move ingo#collections#MakeUnique() to ingo/collections/unique.vim.
- Add ingo#collections#unique#ExtendWithNew().
- Add ingo#fs#path#Equals().
- Add ingo#tabstops#RenderMultiLine(), as ingo#tabstops#Render() does not properly render multi-line text.
- Add ingo/str/split.vim module.
- FIX: Avoid E108: No such variable: "b:browsefilter" in ingo#query#file#Browse().
ingo-library-1.008.vmb.gz 1.008 2013-06-13 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Fix missing argument error for ingo#query#file#BrowseDirForOpenFile() and ingo#query#file#BrowseDirForAction().
- Implement ingo#compat#strdisplaywidth() emulation inside the library; EchoWithoutScrolling.vim isn't used for that any more.
- Add ingo/avoidprompt.vim, ingo/strdisplaywidth.vim, and ingo/tabstops modules, containing the former EchoWithoutScrolling.vim functions.
- Add ingo/buffer/temp.vim and ingo/buffer/visible.vim modules.
- Add ingo/regexp/previoussubstitution.vim module.
ingo-library-1.007.vmb.gz 1.007 2013-06-06 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo/query/get.vim module.
- Add ingo/query/file.vim module.
- Add ingo/fs/path.vim module.
- Add ingo/fs/tempfile.vim module.
- Add ingo/cmdargs/file.vim module.
- Add ingo/cmdargs/glob.vim module.
- CHG: Move most functions from ingo/cmdargs.vim to new modules ingo/cmdargs/pattern.vim and ingo/cmdargs/substitute.vim.
- Add ingo/compat/complete.vim module.
ingo-library-1.006.vmb.gz 1.006 2013-05-29 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo/cmdrangeconverter.vim module.
- Add ingo#mapmaker.vim module.
- Add optional isReturnError flag on ingo#window#switches#GotoPreviousWindow().
- Add ingo#msg#StatusMsg().
- Add ingo/selection/patternmatch.vim module.
- Add ingo/selection.vim module.
- Add ingo/search/pattern.vim module.
- Add ingo/regexp.vim module.
- Add ingo/regexp/magic.vim module.
- Add ingo/collections/rotate.vim module.
- Redesign ingo#cmdargs#ParseSubstituteArgument() to the existing use cases.
- Add ingo/buffer.vim module.
ingo-library-1.005.vmb.gz 1.005 2013-05-02 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo/plugin/setting.vim module.
- Add ingo/plugin/cmdcomplete.vim module.
- Add ingo/search/buffer.vim module.
- Add ingo/number.vim module.
- Add ingo/cmdrangeconverter.vim module.
- Add ingo#err#IsSet() for those cases when wrapping the command in :if does
  not work (e.g. :call'ing a range function).
- Add ingo#mapmaker.vim module.
- Add ingo#syntaxitem.vim module.
- Add ingo#comments.vim module.
ingo-library-1.004.vmb.gz 1.004 2013-04-10 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo/compat.vim module.
- Add ingo/lines module.
- Add ingo/matches module.
- Add ingo/mbyte/virtcol module.
- Add ingo/window/* modules.
- FIX: ingo#external#LaunchGvim() broken with "E117: Unknown function: s:externalLaunch".
ingo-library-1.003.vmb.gz 1.003 2013-03-27 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add ingo#msg#ShellError().
- Add ingo#system#Chomped().
- Add ingo/fs/traversal.vim module.
- Add search/timelimited.vim module.
ingo-library-1.002.vmb.gz 1.002 2013-03-08 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Minor: Allow to specify filespec of GVIM executable in ingo#external#LaunchGvim().
- Add err module for LineJugglerCommands.vim plugin.
ingo-library-1.001.vmb.gz 1.001 2013-02-21 7.0 Ingo Karkat Add cmdargs and collections modules for use by PatternsOnText.vim plugin.
ingo-library-1.000.vmb.gz 1.000 2013-02-12 7.0 Ingo Karkat Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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