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cecutil : Some utilities used by several of my scripts (window positioning, mark handling)

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created by
Charles Campbell
script type

These routines are used by several of my utilities.  I'm loading them onto vim.sf.net to make it easier for GetLatestVimScripts to automate updates with them.

     call SaveMark(markname)       let savemark= SaveMark(markname)
     call RestoreMark(markname)    call RestoreMark(savemark)
     call DestroyMark(markname)
     commands: SM RM DM

Window Position:
     call SaveWinPosn()        let winposn= SaveWinPosn()
     call RestoreWinPosn()     call RestoreWinPosn(winposn)
    \swp : save current window/buffer's position
    \rwp : restore current window/buffer's previous position
     commands: SWP RWP

User Maps:
    call SaveUserMaps(mapmode,maplead,mapchx,suffix)

    This function sets up a script-variable (ie. a variable that can generally be accessed only from within cecutil's own functions; see |s:|) called s:restoremap.  The selected user's maps are appended to this variable; the RestoreUserMaps() (|cecutil-restoreusermaps|) function uses the contents of this variable to restore user maps.

    Some examples follow:

        call SaveUserMaps("n","","webWEBjklh$0%;,nN","HiMtchBrkt")
            normal mode maps for w, e, b, W, E, B, j, k, l, etc
            (if any) are all saved in the variable
            s:restoremaps_HiMtchBrkt >

        call SaveUserMaps("n","","<up>","DrawIt")
            the normal mode map (if any) for the <up> key is saved in
            the variable s:restoremaps_DrawIt >

        call SaveUserMaps("n","",":F(","HiMtchBrkt")
            the normal mode map for F( (if any) is saved in the
            variable s:restoremaps_HiMtchBrkt

    call RestoreUserMaps(suffix)

        The usermaps saved by SaveUserMaps() with the given suffix will be restored (ie. s:restoremaps_{suffix}).  Example:

        call RestoreUserMaps("HiMtchBrkt")
            will restore all user maps redefined for the HiMtchBrkt plugin

(alpha/beta version available at http://www.drchip.org/astronaut/vim/index.html#CECUTIL)
install details
1. Get vimball v18 if you don't have it already (vimscript#1502).  Please remove any vestiges of an older vimball first.
    (if you have vim 7.1a or later, you probably can skip this step)
2. vim cecutil.vba.gz
    :so %

Works well with AsNeeded, too (vimscript#915).

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
cecutil.vba.gz 17 2007-09-04 7.0 Charles Campbell A new function, QArgSplitter(), now comes with cecutil.
cecutil.vba.gz 16 2007-04-12 7.0 Charles Campbell Changed com to com! so AsNeeded (vimscript#915) is happier.

Fixed a bug concerning maps which don't use the mapleader option are still saved and restored properly.
cecutil.vba.gz 15 2006-09-19 7.0 Charles Campbell * (-new-)  map restoration improved
* (change) b:(varname) now use b:cecutil_(varname)
* (bugfix) bypass for report option for DestroyMark() included
* (bugfix) SaveWinPosn() and RestoreWinPosn() now handle an empty buffer
cecutil.vim.gz 14 2006-01-25 6.0 Charles Campbell SaveUserMaps' mapmode argument, heretofore just a single letter (see |maparg()|), now accepts a leading "u".  If present, SaveUserMaps() will do an unmap.
Bypasses for si, so, and siso options included.
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