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visualrepeat : Repeat command extended to visual mode.

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created by
Ingo Karkat
script type
This plugin defines repetition of Vim built-in normal mode commands via .
for visual mode. Additionally, it offers functions like the popular repeat.vim
plugin that allow mappings to be repeated in visual mode, too.

This extends the built-in normal mode repeat . to visual mode.

Like with repeat.vim for normal mode, visual mode mappings can register a
<Plug> mapping to be used for visual mode repetition.

Likewise, normal mode mappings can (in addition to the repeat.vim registration
of a normal mode mapping) register a visual mode mapping with visualrepeat.vim
that will be repeated in visual mode.

Operator-pending mappings end with g@ and repeat naturally; i.e. Vim
re-applies the 'opfunc' on the equivalent text (but at the current cursor
position). But without a call to repeat#set(), it is impossible to repeat this
operator-pending mapping to the current visual selection. Plugins cannot call
repeat#set() in their operator-pending mapping, because then Vim's built-in
repeat would be circumvented, the full mapping ending with g@ would be
re-executed, and the repetition would then wait for the {motion}, what is not
Therefore, this plugin offers a separate visualrepeat#set() function that can
be invoked for operator-pending mappings. It can also be invoked for
normal-mode mappings that have already called repeat#set(), and may override
that mapping with a special repeat mapping for visual mode repeats. Together
with the remapped {Visual}. command, this allows repetition - similar to what
the built-in Vim commands do - across normal, operator-pending and visual

- Based on vimtip #1142, Repeat last command and put cursor at start of change
- The client interface and implementation has been based on repeat.vim
  (vimscript #2136) by Tim Pope.

- repeat.vim (vimscript #2136) has been the basis for this plugin and should
  be used in conjunction with visualrepeat.vim. (Otherwise, you'd have visual
  mode repeat, but no repeat in normal mode.)

{Visual}.               Repeat last change in all visually selected lines.
                        - characterwise: Start from cursor position.
                        - linewise: Each line separately, starting from the
                          current column (usually the first in this mode).
                        - blockwise: Only the selected text. This is
                          implemented by temporarily duplicating the selection
                          to separate lines and repeating over those, starting
                          from the first column.

                        Note: If the last normal mode command included a
                        {motion} (e.g. g~e), the repetition will also move
                        exactly over this {motion}, NOT the visual selection!
                        It is thus best to repeat commands that work on the
                        entire line (e.g. g~$).

{Visual}g.              Repeat last built-in command in all visually selected
                        lines. Skips any plugin repeat actions; only repeats
                        the last Vim command.
install details
The code is hosted in a Git repo at
You can use your favorite plugin manager, or "git clone" into a directory used
for Vim packages. Releases are on the "stable" branch, the latest unstable
development snapshot on "master".

This script is also packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip"
decompressor in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise,
decompress the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by
sourcing the vimball or via the :UseVimball command.
    vim visualrepeat*.vmb.gz
    :so %
To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.

- Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
- repeat.vim (vimscript #2136) plugin (highly recommended)
- ingo-library.vim plugin (vimscript #4433), version 1.013 or higher;
  optional, for blockwise repeat only

This plugin is meant to be used together with repeat.vim.

This plugin has helper functions that plugins with cross-repeat functionality
can use in their normal mode repeat mappings of repeated visual mode mappings.
With this, you save work and allow for a consistent user experience.
Define your normal mode repeat mapping like this:
    nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(MyPluginVisual)
    \ :<C-u>execute 'normal!' visualrepeat#reapply#VisualMode(0)<Bar>
    \call MyPlugin#Operator('visual', "\<lt>Plug>(MyPluginVisual)")<CR>
If your plugin uses a passed [count] (i.e. the count is not only used to
determine the text area the mapping is applied to), you need to define a
    vnoremap <silent> <expr> <SID>(ReapplyRepeatCount) visualrepeat#reapply#RepeatCount()
and apply the function followed by the mapping like this:
    nnoremap <silent> <script> <Plug>(MyPluginVisual)
    \ :<C-u>execute 'normal!' visualrepeat#reapply#VisualMode(1)<CR>
    \:<C-u>call MyPlugin#Operator('visual', v:count, "\<lt>Plug>(MyPluginVisual)")<CR>
If you want to support running without visualrepeat.vim, too, provide a
wrapper that defaults to 1v:
    function! s:VisualMode()
        let l:keys = "1v\<Esc>"
        silent! let l:keys = visualrepeat#reapply#VisualMode(0)
        return l:keys
    nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(MyPluginVisual)
    \ :<C-u>execute 'normal!' <SID>VisualMode()<Bar>
    \call MyPlugin#Operator('visual', "\<lt>Plug>(MyPluginVisual)")<CR>

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
visualrepeat-1.33.vmb.gz 1.33 2024-11-12 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Adapt: Compatibility: Adding one character to previous exclusive selection not needed since Vim 9.0.1172 in visualrepeat#reapply#VisualMode().
visualrepeat-1.32.vmb.gz 1.32 2020-02-24 7.0 Ingo Karkat - BUG: visualrepeat#reapply#VisualMode() mistakenly adds the next full line when restoring a linewise visual selection (to a smaller target).
- Use :normal for Vim 7.3.100..7.4.601 and feedkeys(..., 'i') for newer versions, aligning the used mechanism with what repeat.vim uses.
visualrepeat-1.31.vmb.gz 1.31 2019-03-18 7.0 Ingo Karkat - ENH: Add g. mapping that forces built-in repeat; i.e. skips any custom repeat.vim or visualrepeat.vim actions. This can be useful if a plugin offers a special repeat for visual mode, but a built-in repeat on each selected line may make sense, too. For example, my KeepText.vim plugin would keep the entire linewise selection; forcing a built-in repeat (of the custom operator) would reapply e.g. a <Leader>ka" to all selected lines instead.
- Factor out ingo#buffer#temprange#Call() into ingo-library. *** You need to update the optional dependency to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.018! ***
- ENH: Make an explicit register on repeat override g:repeat_reg. As with built-in commands, this allows to override the original register on repeat, e.g. "a. uses register a instead of the original one. One limitation is that we cannot detect whether no or the default register has been given, so an override from a non-default to the default register (e.g. via "".) is not possible.
visualrepeat-1.30.vmb.gz 1.30 2013-11-15 7.0 Ingo Karkat - ENH: When repeating over multiple lines / a blockwise selection, keep track of added or deleted lines, and only repeat exactly on the selected lines. Thanks to Israel Chauca for sending a patch!
- When a repeat on a blockwise selection has introduced additional lines, append those properly indented instead of omitting them.
- With linewise and blockwise repeat, set the change marks '[,'] to the changed selection. With the latter, one previously got "E19: Mark has invalid line number" due to the removed temporary range.
visualrepeat-1.20.vmb.gz 1.20 2013-11-14 7.0 Ingo Karkat - ENH: Implement blockwise repeat through temporarily moving the block to a temporary range at the end of the buffer, like the vis.vim plugin. This feature requires the ingo-library. *** You need to separately install ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.013 (or higher)! ***
visualrepeat-1.10.vmb.gz 1.10 2013-09-05 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Check for existence of actual visual mode mapping; do not accept a select mode mapping, because we're applying it to a visual selection.
- Pass through a [count] to the :normal . command.
- Add visualrepeat#reapply#VisualMode() and visualrepeat#reapply#RepeatCount() helper functions that plugins can use in their normal mode repeat mappings of repeated visual mode mappings.
- Minor: Make substitute() robust against 'ignorecase'.
- ENH: Use the current cursor virtual column when repeating in linewise visual mode. Inspired by http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18610564/vim-is-possible-to-use-dot-command-in-visual-block-mode
- Abort further commands on error by using echoerr inside the mapping.
visualrepeat-1.03.vmb.gz 1.03 2013-02-21 7.0 Ingo Karkat REGRESSION: Fix in 1.02 does not repeat recorded register when the mappings in repeat.vim and visualrepeat.vim differ.
visualrepeat-1.02.vmb.gz 1.02 2012-12-27 7.0 Ingo Karkat BUG: "E121: Undefined variable: g:repeat_sequence" when using visual repeat of a mapping using registers without having used repeat.vim beforehand.
visualrepeat.vba.gz 1.01 2012-04-05 7.0 Ingo Karkat FIX: Avoid error about undefined g:repeat_reg when (a proper version of)
repeat.vim isn't available.
visualrepeat.vba.gz 1.00 2011-12-14 7.0 Ingo Karkat Initial upload
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