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MarkMarkup : Convert mark.vim highlighting to markup inside the text.

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created by
Ingo Karkat
script type
This plugin can persist the highlightings you've added to text via the
mark.vim plugin (vimscript #2666) as markup - directly inside the text. Any
kind of markup can be configured, and the plugin ships with predefined formats
that use <span> tags (to render the text as HTML) in order to reproduce the
original mark colors. Other formats append numbers[1] or symbols※, and
additionally a legend listing all used marks and their names or patterns can
be added to the buffer, too.                         [1] Example ※: \<s\w\+s\>

- ExtractLinks.vim (vimscript #4870) uses a regular expression instead of
  marked text to identify text. Instead of appending the label, it replaces
  the text with it, and then collects references for use in a legend.

:[range]MarkMarkup [N[,M]] [{format}]
                        Put markup [in the passed {format}] around each match
                        of any defined :Mark / the mark(s) with numbers [N]
                        to [M], in the current buffer / within [range].
                        Formats (e.g. HTML markup) are taken from
                        g:MarkMarkup_Formats. If more than one is defined,
                        a valid {format} has to be passed.

:[line]PutMarkLookup [N[,M]] [{format}]
                        Put a lookup table [for {format}] after [line]
                        (default current line). Depending on the format, this
                        could be the optional |:MarkName|s, or text attributes
                        and color definitions taken from the mark
                        highlightings. See g:MarkMarkup_Lookups.

The plugin ships with these default {format}s:

html                    Surrounds the marked text with an HTML <span> tag that
                        reproduces the mark's colors and text attributes. A
                        mark name is rendered as a title attribute, which the
                        browser usually shows on hover.
        <span style="color: #001e80; background-color: #a1b7ff">Lorem</span>
        <span title="latin" style="color: #80005d; background-color: #ffa1c6">ipsum</span>

css                     Surrounds the marked text with an HTML <span> tag that
                        works like the html format, but uses "markN" CSS
        <span class="mark1">Lorem</span> <span class="mark2" title="latin">ipsum</span>
                        The corresponding CSS definitions can be obtained via
                            :PutMarkLookup css
       .mark1 {
            color: #001e80;
            background-color: #a1b7ff;
        .mark2 {
            color: #80005d;
            background-color: #ffa1c6;

number                  Appends a [1], [2], ... counter behind each mark.
                        Lorem[1] ipsum[2]
                        A legend that maps those numbers to the mark's
                        name or (if unnamed) to the regular expression that
                        defines the mark can be inserted via
                            :PutMarkLookup number
                       [1] \<Lorem\>
                        [2] latin

symbol                  Like number, but appends a single-character (Unicode)
                        symbol, taken from g:MarkMarkup_Symbols.
                        Lorem※ ipsum†
                        ※: \<Lorem\>
                        †: latin
install details
The code is hosted in a Git repo at https://github.com/inkarkat/vim-MarkMarkup
You can use your favorite plugin manager, or "git clone" into a directory used
for Vim packages. Releases are on the "stable" branch, the latest unstable
development snapshot on "master".

This script is also packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip"
decompressor in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise,
decompress the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by
sourcing the vimball or via the :UseVimball command.
    vim MarkMarkup*.vmb.gz
    :so %
To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.

- Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
- Requires the ingo-library.vim plugin (vimscript #4433), version 1.037 or
- Requires the mark.vim plugin (vimscript #2666), version 3.0.0 or higher.
- Requires the PatternsOnText.vim plugin (vimscript #4602), version 2.20 or

For a permanent configuration, put the following commands into your vimrc:

The available markup formats are configured as a Dictionary of {format} keys
mapping to a Funcref that is passed an object with the following attributes:
- number:   the number of the mark, starting with 1
- name:     the name given to the mark via :MarkName, or empty
- pattern:  the regular expression that defines the mark
It should return a List of [{prefix}, {suffix}].
    let g:MarkMarkup_Formats = {'html': function('MarkToHtml')}
The global configuration can be overwritten by a buffer-local one.

The available markup lookups are configured as a Dictionary of {format} keys
mapping to a Funcref (like above). Here, it should return a String or a List.
All lookups are then concatenated; Strings as-is (without separator), each
List element as a separate line.
    let g:MarkMarkup_Lookups = {'html': function('MarkToHtmlLookup')}
The global configuration can be overwritten by a buffer-local one.

String of (single-character) symbols to be used (from left to right) for the
default "symbol" format.
    let g:MarkMarkup_Symbols = '※†‡…'

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
MarkMarkup-1.02.vmb.gz 1.02 2023-01-08 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Adapt: :PutMarkLookup needs to check <count> == -1 instead of <line2> to support current line as well as a lnum of 0 (since Vim 8.1.1241).
- Compatibility: FIX: Correct autoloading for Vim 7.0/1.
- :MarkMarkup: Don't clobber the search history with the last mark's pattern.
  *** You need to update to PatternsOnText.vim (vimscript #4602) version 2.20! ***
MarkMarkup-1.01.vmb.gz 1.01 2019-05-02 7.0 Ingo Karkat - FIX: Don't error when (individual or even all) mark(s) do not match.
- BUG: If a mark consists of multiple branches and one branch match is contained in another, only the contained match gets the suffix; the containing text gets a prefix, but no suffix.
MarkMarkup-1.00.vmb.gz 1.00 2019-03-29 7.2 Ingo Karkat Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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