MultiWordComplete : Insert mode completion that completes a sequence of words based on anchors.
script karma |
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Downloaded by 1321 |
Comments, bugs, improvements
Vim wiki
created by |
Ingo Karkat |
script type |
utility |
description |
The built-in insert mode completion completes single words, and one can copy
the words following the previous expansion one-by-one. (But that is cumbersome
and doesn't scale when there are many alternatives.)
This plugin offers completion of sequences of words, i.e. everything separated
by whitespace, non-keyword characters or the start / end of line, based on the
typed first letter of each word. With this, one can quickly complete entire
phrases; for example, "imc" completes to "insert mode completion", and "/ulb"
completes to "/usr/local/bin".
- CamelCaseComplete.vim (vimscript #3915) provides a similar completion, but
the anchor characters must be the start fragments of CamelCaseWords or
- Check out the CompleteHelper.vim plugin page (vimscript #3914) for a full
list of insert mode completions powered by it.
In insert mode, type all initial letters of the requested phrase, and invoke
the multi-word completion via CTRL-X w.
You can then search forward and backward via CTRL-N / CTRL-P, as usual.
CTRL-X w Find matches for multiple words which begin with the
typed letters in front of the cursor. The 'ignorecase'
and 'smartcase' settings apply. If no matches were
found that way, a case-insensitive search is tried as
a fallback. (So, unless you care about a minimum
number of matches and search speed, you can be sloppy
with the case of the typed letters.)
The sequence of words can span multiple lines;
newlines are removed in the completion results.
Non-alphabetic keyword characters (e.g. numbers, "_"
in the default 'iskeyword' setting) can be inserted
into the completion base to force inclusion of these,
e.g. both "mf" and "mf_b" complete to "my foo_bar",
but the latter excludes "my foobar" and "my foo_quux".
An alphabetic anchor following a non-alphabetic anchor
must match immediately after the non-alphabetic
letter, not in the next word. Thus, mentally parse the
base "mf_b" as "m", "f", "_b".
In addition, non-alphabetic keyword characters match
at a start of a word, too. For example, "f2s" matches
both "foobar 2000 system" ("2" matching like an
alphabetic character) and "foo2sam" ("2" matching
according to the special rule for non-alphabetic
characters). |
install details |
The code is hosted in a Git repo at
You can use your favorite plugin manager, or "git clone" into a directory used
for Vim packages. Releases are on the "stable" branch, the latest unstable
development snapshot on "master".
This script is also packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip"
decompressor in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise,
decompress the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by
sourcing the vimball or via the :UseVimball command.
vim MultiWordComplete*.vmb.gz
:so %
To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.
- Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
- Requires the ingo-library.vim plugin (vimscript #4433), version 1.010 or
- Requires the CompleteHelper.vim plugin (vimscript #3914), version 1.40 or
For a permanent configuration, put the following commands into your vimrc:
By default, the 'complete' option controls which buffers will be scanned for
completion candidates. You can override that either for the entire plugin, or
only for particular buffers; see CompleteHelper_complete for supported
let g:MultiWordComplete_complete = '.,w,b,u'
To disable the removal of the (mostly useless) completion base when aborting
with <Esc> while there are no matches:
let g:MultiWordComplete_FindStartMark = ''
If you want to use a different mapping, map your keys to the
<Plug>(MultiWordComplete) mapping target _before_ sourcing the script (e.g.
in your vimrc):
imap <C-x>w <Plug>(MultiWordComplete)<Plug>(MultiWordPostComplete) |
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
MultiWordComplete-1.01.vmb.gz |
1.01 |
2019-03-18 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- Make repeat across lines work.
- FIX: Avoid "E121: Undefined variable: s:isNoMatches" when triggering the completion for the first time without a valid base.
- Remove default g:MultiWordComplete_complete configuration and default to 'complete' option value instead.
- Remove superfluous duplicate :imap for default mapping. *** You need to update to CompleteHelper.vim (vimscript #3914) version 1.40! *** |
MultiWordComplete-1.00.vmb.gz |
1.00 |
2013-12-19 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
Initial upload |
ip used for rating: