EnhancedJumps : Enhanced jump and change list navigation commands.
script karma |
Rating 41/16,
Downloaded by 4092 |
Comments, bugs, improvements
Vim wiki
created by |
Ingo Karkat |
script type |
utility |
description |
This plugin enhances the built-in |CTRL-I|/|CTRL-O| jump commands:
- After a jump, the line, column and text of the next jump target are printed:
next: 3,9 ENHANCED JUMPS by Ingo Karkat
- An error message and the valid range for jumps in that direction is printed
if a jump outside the jump list is attempted:
Only 8 older jump positions.
- In case the next jump would move to another buffer, only a warning is
printed at the first attempt:
next: EnhancedJumps.vim
The jump to another buffer is only done if the same jump command is repeated
once more immediately afterwards; like this: Pressing CTRL-O, noticing the
warning, then quickly pressing CTRL-O again to overcome the warning.
With this, you can eagerly jump around the current buffer. Because you will
be warned when a jump would move to another buffer, you're much less likely
to get lost.
In addition to the enhanced jump commands, separate special mappings are
available that restrict the jump targets to only local locations (in the same
buffer) and remote locations (only in other buffers).
This plugin enhances the built-in |g;|/|g,| change list jump commands so that
they skip jumps to previous / later edit locations that lie within the
currently visible range. This makes it easier to navigate between distant
edits in a large buffer, without having to manually skip over all the local
- back_to_recent_buffer.vim (vimscript #4290) implements going back to the
previous buffer.
Simply use the CTRL-O and CTRL-I commands to go to an older / newer cursor
position in the jump list. When a warning "next: {file}" is echoed, quickly
repeat the jump command to move to that buffer (a [count] need to not be
typed again; if you do include the [count], it must be the same as before).
If you do not want to move to that buffer, just ignore the warning, and
continue browsing the current buffer. On the next jump attempt, the warning
will be repeated.
g<CTRL-O>, g<CTRL-I> Go to [count] older / newer cursor position in the
current buffer. Jumps to other buffers are not
considered. Useful when you mainly edited one file,
briefly jumped to another, and now want to recall
older positions without considering the other file.
{Visual}g<CTRL-O>, {Visual}g<CTRL-I>
Extend the visual selection to the [count] older /
newer cursor position in the current buffer.
<Leader><CTRL-O>, <Leader><CTRL-I>
Go to [count] older / newer cursor position in another
buffer. Jumps inside the current buffer are not
considered. Useful for recalling previously visited
buffers without going through all local positions.
Regardless of the jump direction, the last jump
position in a buffer is used when there are multiple
subsequent jumps in a buffer.
<Leader><CTRL-W><CTRL-O>, <Leader><CTRL-W><CTRL-I>
Go to [count] older / newer cursor position in another
buffer. If the buffer is already visible in another
window / tab page (g:EnhancedJumps_UseTab), switch
to there instead of changing the buffer displayed in
the current window.
Simply use the g; and g, commands to go to an older / newer far change
position in the change list.
g; Go to [count] older far change (that lies outside the
currently visible range and is more than the current
window height lines away from the previous change or
the last accepted change).
If [count] is larger than the number of older far
change positions go to the oldest far change.
If there is no older far change, go to the [count]
older near change; i.e. fall back to the original
If there is no older change an error message is given.
(not a motion command)
g, Go to [count] newer far change.
Just like g; but in the opposite direction.
{Visual}g; {Visual}g, Visual mode variants that extend the selection to the
older / newer far change. |
install details |
The code is hosted in a Git repo at
You can use your favorite plugin manager, or "git clone" into a directory used
for Vim packages. Releases are on the "stable" branch, the latest unstable
development snapshot on "master".
This script is also packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip"
decompressor in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise,
decompress the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by
sourcing the vimball or via the :UseVimball command.
vim EnhancedJumps*.vmb.gz
:so %
To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.
- Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
- Requires the ingo-library.vim plugin (vimscript #4433), version 1.028 or
For a permanent configuration, put the following commands into your vimrc:
The time span in which the jump command must be repeated to overcome the
warning about jumping into another buffer defaults to (roughly) two seconds.
To change the timeout, set a different value (in milliseconds):
let g:stopFirstAndNotifyTimeoutLen = 2000
Jumps to another buffer happen with "redir => l:fileJumpCapture". If other
plugins triggered by the (e.g. BufWinEnter) event do another :redir, this
causes an error, because nested redirs are prohibited. You can avoid this
problem by turning off the capture of jump messages:
let g:EnhancedJumps_CaptureJumpMessages = 0
If you don't want the <Leader>CTRL_W_CTRL-O / <Leader>CTRL_W_CTRL-I
mappings to search other tab pages for windows containing the jump target:
let g:EnhancedJumps_UseTab = 0
By default, the nearest window that contains the buffer with the jump target
is used. If you like to use the first buffer (like :sbuffer does), configure:
let g:EnhancedJumps_SwitchStrategy = 'first'
If you want no or only a few of the available mappings, you can completely
turn off the creation of the default mappings by defining:
:let g:EnhancedJumps_no_mappings = 1
This saves you from mapping dummy keys to all unwanted mapping targets.
If you do not want to override the built-in jump commands and use separate
mappings, or change the special additional mappings, map your keys to the
<Plug>... mapping targets _before_ sourcing the script (e.g. in your vimrc).
nmap { <Plug>EnhancedJumpsOlder
nmap } <Plug>EnhancedJumpsNewer
map g{ <Plug>EnhancedJumpsLocalOlder
map g} <Plug>EnhancedJumpsLocalNewer
nmap <Leader>{ <Plug>EnhancedJumpsRemoteOlder
nmap <Leader>} <Plug>EnhancedJumpsRemoteNewer
nmap <C-w>{ <Plug>EnhancedJumpsSwitchRemoteOlder
nmap <C-w>} <Plug>EnhancedJumpsSwitchRemoteNewer
There are also mappings that do both local and remote jumps, the latter
potentially to another window / tab page, i.e. a combination of CTRL-O and
<Leader>CTRL-W_CTRL-O. These are not mapped by default:
nmap ,{ <Plug>EnhancedJumpsSwitchOlder
nmap ,} <Plug>EnhancedJumpsSwitchNewer
For the change list jump commands, you can choose between two alternatives,
the default one that falls back to near changes when there are no far changes
map z; <Plug>EnhancedJumpsFarFallbackChangeOlder
map z, <Plug>EnhancedJumpsFarFallbackChangeNewer
and a pure "far jumps" variant:
map z; <Plug>EnhancedJumpsFarChangeOlder
map z, <Plug>EnhancedJumpsFarChangeNewer
To disable the special additional mappings:
map <Plug>DisableEnhancedJumpsLocalOlder <Plug>EnhancedJumpsLocalOlder
map <Plug>DisableEnhancedJumpsLocalNewer <Plug>EnhancedJumpsLocalNewer
nmap <Plug>DisableEnhancedJumpsRemoteOlder <Plug>EnhancedJumpsRemoteOlder
nmap <Plug>DisableEnhancedJumpsRemoteNewer <Plug>EnhancedJumpsRemoteNewer |
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
EnhancedJumps-3.11.vmb.gz |
3.11 |
2024-11-10 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- ENH: Allow to disable all default mappings via a single g:EnhancedJumps_no_mappings configuration flag. Thanks to infokiller for the patch.
- ENH: Add {Visual}g<CTRL-O> / {Visual}g<CTRL-I> visual mode variants, as the jump is guaranteed to be within the current buffer. Also add omaps.
- ENH: Add {Visual}g; / {Visual}g, operator-pending and visual mode variants, too.
- ENH: Echo preview of next far change after g; / g, jump, just like the jump list mappings do. Suggested by marconetto. |
EnhancedJumps-3.10.vmb.gz |
3.10 |
2018-11-04 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- ENH: Add <Leader><C-w><C-o> / <Leader><C-w><C-i> mappings to jump to the target buffer in an existing window.
- Abort command sequence in case of jump errors. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.028! *** |
EnhancedJumps-3.03.vmb.gz |
3.03 |
2016-11-18 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- After a jump to another file, also re-query the jumps, because the jumplist got updated with the text for the jumps, whereas it previously only contained the buffer name. Thanks to Daniel Hahler for sending a patch.
- Especially in small terminals, jump messages may not fit and cause a hit-enter prompt. Truncate messages in s:Echo(). Local jump message only considers the header, but not the file jump messages. If its one, and cmdheight is 1, add its width to the number of reserved columns, as we append the following location. Thanks to Daniel Hahler for the patch.
- The warning message before a remote jump isn't truncated to fit.
- Minor: Use ingo#compat#abs(). |
EnhancedJumps-3.02.vmb.gz |
3.02 |
2014-09-29 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- Add g:EnhancedJumps_CaptureJumpMessages configuration to turn off the capturing of the messages during the jump, as the used :redir may cause errors with another, concurrent capture. This was first reported by by Alexey Radkov on 06-Jul-2012 (conflict with the Recover.vim plugin that was fixed in that plugin), now again by Maxim Gonchar (conflict with Vimfiler plugin).
- Use ingo#msg#WarningMsg().
- Use ingo#record#Position(). *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.020! *** |
EnhancedJumps-3.01.vmb.gz |
3.01 |
2013-11-19 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- Handle it when the :changes command sometimes outputs just the header without a following ">" marker by catching the plugin exception in EnhancedJumps#Changes#GetJumps() and returning an empty List instead. This will cause the callers to fall back on the default g; / g, commands, which will then report the "E664: changelist is empty" error.
- Add dependency to ingo-library (vimscript #4433). *** You need to separately install ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.008 (or higher)! *** |
EnhancedJumps.vba.gz |
3.00 |
2012-02-10 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
Implement enhanced change list navigation commands g; / g, that skip jumps to previous / later edit locations that lie within the currently visible range. |
EnhancedJumps.vba.gz |
2.00 |
2012-02-10 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- Implement "local jumps" and "remote jumps" special mappings.
- Restructure internal jump list representation to get rid of index arithmetic, duplicated checks for current index in, and enhance filter performance.
- Split off functions to separate autoload script to help speed up Vim startup. |
EnhancedJumps.vba.gz |
1.13 |
2010-07-29 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
BUG: Jump opened fold at current position when "No newer/older jump position"
error occurred. |
EnhancedJumps.vba.gz |
1.12 |
2009-07-17 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
BF: Trailing space after the command to open the folds accidentally moved cursor one position to the right of the jump target. |
EnhancedJumps.vba.gz |
1.11 |
2009-07-14 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
BF: A '^\)' in the jump text caused "E55: Unmatched \)" |
EnhancedJumps.vba.gz |
1.10 |
2009-07-06 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- ENH: To overcome the next buffer warning, a previously given [count] need not be specified again. A jump command with a different [count] than last time now is treated as a separate jump command and thus doesn't overcome the next buffer warning.
- BF: Folds at the jump target must be explicitly opened. |
EnhancedJumps.vba.gz |
1.00 |
2009-07-01 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
Initial upload |
ip used for rating: