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metacosm.vim : Evening & Torte + Special Sauce == Good

 script karma  Rating 80/28, Downloaded by 7859  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Robert Melton
script type
color scheme
You can get this script in the sampler pack at http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=625 as the other 99 top rated themes.

A major goal of this colorscheme is to have all the elements of the editor properly themed, including listchars, fold columns, folds, comments, line numbers and everything else you can think off -- if you find something that seems to stick out from the rest, please email me.  I make this a point because I dislike themes that are nice, dark and soothing except for showing painfully bright line numbers and/or listchars.

Screenshot at: http://vi-improved.org/metacosm.png
install details
Put in your colors directory, select by doing :colo metacosm

Hope this helps you... join #vim on irc.freenode.net for all your vim help needs :)

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
metacosm.vim 7.02 2009-06-05 7.0 Robert Melton The WarningMsg was hard to read (blue on black) and has been updated.
metacosm.vim 7.01 2009-06-05 7.0 Robert Melton Small correction.
metacosm.vim 7.0 2009-06-04 7.0 Robert Melton I haven't uploaded a new version in awhile, so here it is...
metacosm.vim 5.0 2007-08-31 7.0 Robert Melton Improvements everywhere...
metacosm.vim 2.0 2004-06-20 6.0 Robert Melton Major Update: Many updates.  Dropped support for console (was horrible anyway).  Added in many more syntax groups to make sure look was always consistant, cleaned up massively, groups by "type" of highlight, and a few color changes (mostly brightness shifts, better cleaner colors for splits)
metacosm.vim 1.6 2004-06-18 6.0 Robert Melton Fixed FoldColumn Highlighting (Thanks reltuk)
metacosm.vim 1.5 2004-05-30 6.0 Robert Melton ff=unix now (same error, again, silly me)
metacosm.vim 1.4 2004-05-30 6.0 Robert Melton change the color of the active status bar
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