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chela_light : A light color scheme

 script karma  Rating 178/58, Downloaded by 6138  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Stefan Karlsson
script type
color scheme
This is a light color scheme. I haven't included support for terminals yet, so only try it if you have the GUI running.

My goal was to make a color scheme that (1) doesn't scare you when you do a ":vert diffsplit" :-), and (2) is more or less consistent with the standard Windows XP look.

I'm pretty satisfied with the look, but if you're used to sit in front of the computer for 48 hours straight, you should either get yourself a life (recommended) or use a dark color scheme such as "ps_color" (vimscript #760) by P. Shizhu.

On Windows XP I prefer the Lucida Console font ("set guifont=Lucida_Console:h10:cANSI"), so this color scheme probably looks best with that font. On Linux it looks pretty OK with Bitstream Vera Sans Mono.
install details
Just drop it in your local color scheme directory (e.g. ~/.vim/colors/) and then execute the command ":colorscheme chela_light".

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
chela_light.vim 1.9 2006-08-08 6.0 Stefan Karlsson (1) Made MatchParen less scary. (2) Various minor changes for vim 7.
chela_light.vim 1.8 2006-04-14 6.0 Stefan Karlsson Changed "MatchParen" from red to gren. The red color made it look to much like an error.
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