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RemoteSaveAll.vim : :RWALL[!] - save modified files in all running vim instances, also :WALL[!]

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created by
Yakov Lerner
script type
(1)  This script (plugin) defines command :RWALL which saves all modified files in all running vim instances. Command takes no arguments. Bang can be used (:RWALL!) in which case the command which is sent to all running vims is :wall!. Without bang, the command which is sent to all running vims is :wall.

Local vim is also saved.

"All running vim instances" include only servername-enabled vims. Vim instances with servername disabled will not be saved. :RWALL/:WALL uses vim clientserver feature to execute ":wall[!]" command in other running vims.

Synonym :WALL is set equivalent to :RWALL

(2) To do this from shell (to signal all running vims to save their modified file)
you can use either one of the following shell scripts:

(2a) Shell script RWALL.sh -- requires that RemoteSaveAll.vim be installed

# Description: save  modified files in all running vims
# this script requires that plugin RemoteSaveAll.vim be installed
# in the plugin directory
vim -c 'RWALL' -c 'q!'

(2b) Shell script savevims.sh -- does not require RemoteSaveAll.vim plugin

# Description: save  modified files in all running vims
for srv in `vim --serverlist`; do
    vim --servername "$srv" --remote_send '<C-\><C-N>:wall<CR>'

(3) To check that your running vims are 'servername-enabled' and can be remotely saved, do:
          vim --serverlist
at shell prompt, or
          :echo serverlist()
in vim. If nothing is printed, then no running vims are detected.
install details
Copy the file RemoteSaveAll.vim into your personal plugin directory (~/.vim/plugin).

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
RemoteSaveAll.vim 1.0 2004-04-12 6.0 Yakov Lerner Initial upload
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