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methods.vim : java, c++ menu classbrowser

 script karma  Rating 47/21, Downloaded by 5391  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
matthias veit
script type
This little script offers an Class- and Sessionmenue for all languages
ctags understand (java,c++,c,eiffel,fortran).
- ClassMembers: all attributes/methods of actual class
- SessionClasses: all Classes in the current session
By clicking on the entries, vim jumps to the specified location.The menue is updated via autocommands.
install details
You NEED a ruby-interpreter compiled to vim, because this is a ruby script.
Also ctags is needed.
Just put methods.vim into your vim-plugin directory - thats it.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
methods.zip 1.13 2002-02-07 6.0 matthias veit -check for valid environment
vimmethods.zip 1.13 2002-02-04 6.0 matthias veit Complete redraw of this script. Featuring:
-menudrawing works correctly:
now it is possible to tearOff the ClassMenue and jump from
buffer to buffer, while the open menu is updated dynamically.
-all properties are dynamically changeable
-extension points added: multiple parsers and sorters featured
-ctags runs in filter mode
methods.zip 1.11 2002-01-04 6.0 matthias veit -fixed the filenameexpansion failure
-buffer deletion now works correctly
methods.vim 1.10 2001-11-09 6.0 matthias veit -fixed the "new file" problem (use only valid files)
-using currentfile instead of <afile> can make trouble (fixed)
methods.vim 1.9.1 2001-11-05 6.0 matthias veit -changed autocommands behaviour (try to read tags for every file type)
-changed visibility and names of functions for better readability
methods.vim 1.9 2001-11-01 6.0 matthias veit -display method-name in statusline
-multisessions enabled
-attributes are shown in submenu
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