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html_umlaute : replaces german Umlaute with their HTML Encoding on saving

 script karma  Rating 29/14, Downloaded by 1625  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Timo Teifel
script type
Useful for all people who edit german websites with Vim.
On loading a HTML file, this script replaces all the html-encoded german Umlaute (&*uml;) with their normal Ascii-Chars (ä,ö,ü, and ß) so they're more easily readable.

When you save the file, all Ascii-Chars are replaced by the HTML Encoding. Could be extended to handle other chars as well (except for < > and " which could only be replaced context-sensitive...) but I decided to use it only for these german letters...
install details
put it into your ~/.vim/plugin/ folder

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
html_umlaute.vim 1.1 2004-02-11 6.0 Timo Teifel Initial upload
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