RegExpRef : short reference of regular expression metacharacters
script karma |
Rating 41/25,
Downloaded by 2253 |
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Vim wiki
created by |
Christian Habermann |
script type |
utility |
description |
This text-file is an overview of the most used regular expression metacharacters of Vim and GNU's grep tool. |
install details |
Copy the file regexpref.txt to
Unix: ~/.vim/doc
Windows: c:\vimfiles\doc
To add this file to the Vim's help system do:
Unix: helptags ~/.vim/doc
Windows: helptags c:\vimfiles\doc
Add a mapping like
map <Leader>re :help regexpref<cr>
to get quick access to the reference.
Pressing \re will then view the reference.
Memory aid: re = (r)egular (e)xpression |
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