ttcn-dict : TTCN-3 dictionary (keyword completion) file
script karma |
Rating 19/9,
Downloaded by 1863 |
Comments, bugs, improvements
Vim wiki
created by |
Stefan Karlsson |
script type |
utility |
description |
This package provides keyword completion for TTCN-3.
In insert mode you hit ctrl-x ctrl-k to get suggestions of keywords that could complete the currently typed word.
Note: ctrl-x ctrl-k is the Vim built-in method for dictionary completion; check out vimtip #91 and vimtip #102 for cool stuff and adjustments you can make!
install details |
1. Drop the file in some directory (e.g. ~/.vim/dicts).
2. Download the TTCN ftplugin (vimscript #793).
3. If necessary, adjust the path to the dict file in the ftplugin. |
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
ttcn.dict |
0.3.1 |
2003-10-14 |
6.0 |
Stefan Karlsson |
The previous version of this utility contained both the dictionary file and a ftplugin. However, I decided to split them and the ftplugin is now a separate script. |
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