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HelpExtractor : plugin writer aid; allows plugin and help to be distributed as one file

 script karma  Rating 30/9, Downloaded by 2543  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Charles Campbell
script type
(this plugin has largely been superceded by script#1502 for vim7.0)

The HelpExtractor is a bit of vim code that allows one to merge the plugin with the help.  In addition, helptags is run automatically for the user.

Typical use under Unix/Linux/Cygwin, done from the .vim (vimfiles) directory:

    cat plugin/yourplugin.vim HelpExtractor.vim doc/yourplugin.txt > yourplugin.vim

HelpExtractor will modify the accompanying plugin the first time the user runs Vim (it will delete the extraction code) and will generate the associated help file.  The distributed file will then have the following format:


When vim is next executed, the HelpExtractor modifies the plugin to be:


and creates a file in the user's .vim/doc directory containing the [Helpfile].  Since the HelpExtractor also runs helptags automatically, the associated help is immediately available without any actions being required of the user.  Notice that the [HelpExtractor] itself disappears.

install details
1. make .vim (vimfiles) your current directory
2. place HelpExtractor.tar.gz in the .vim (vimfiles) directory
3. gunzip HelpExtractor.tar.gz
4. tar -oxvf HelpExtractor.tar
5. vim
    :helptags ~/.vim/doc

Will create VIMSCRIPT/HelpExtractor.vim and doc/HelpExtractor.txt.  

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
HelpExtractor.tar.gz 3 2005-05-25 6.0 Charles Campbell HelpExtractor v2 exhibited odd behavior when one attempted to source a plugin using it from a non-standard location.  Remember, the HelpExtractor is trying to extract documentation from the file, put it in the .vim/doc (vimfiles\doc) directory, and remove the extractor code.  An error message is now produced and the extraction is "finish"d, leaving the plugin operational but with the extractor code and help intact (but not available via :help).
HelpExtractor.vim 2 2004-09-09 6.0 Charles Campbell HelpExtractor will create a doc directory for the user if it doesn't currently exist under Linux/Unix.  It now also cooperates with the GetLatestVimScripts automatic updating.
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