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aux2tags.vim : Generate a tags file from a LaTeX .aux file

 script karma  Rating 7/6, Downloaded by 2743  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Benji Fisher
script type
     This script provide a command, :TeXtags, that will generate a tags
file in the current directory based on a LaTeX .aux file.  If you are editing
the file foo.tex in the current directory, just type :TeXtags.  You can then
use Vim's tag functions to display, or jump to, labels in foo.tex.

     At the moment, this only works for \label{} commands, not bibliographic
citations.  TODO:  handle \bibcite; handle multiple files with \input lines;
be more intelligent about directories; escape problematic characters in tags;
use :silent and <buffer> for Vim 6.0; etc.
install details
Add ":source aux2tags.vim" to your vimrc file, or (Vim 6.0) drop in your
plugin directory.  Invoke with
:TeXtags foo.tex

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
aux2tags.vim 0.2 2001-09-06 5.7 Benji Fisher Version 0.2 adds support for multiple LaTeX files using \include
(but not \input).  Minor changes:  simplify tag format, add some usage
notes, warn Vim that the tags are not sorted.
aux2tags.vim 0.1 2001-08-30 5.7 Benji Fisher Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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