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browser-like-scrolling-for-readonly-file : convenient, browser-like scrolling for viewing readonly files

 script karma  Rating 6/4, Downloaded by 1548  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Yakov Lerner
script type
If, when viewing readonly files in vim, you wish that up/down arrows behaved like in web browser (each down arrow scrolls the view 1 line down, except near end of file; each arrow-up scrolls the view 1 line up, except near beginning of file)
-- then this plugin does it.

To check the difference, just source the script (':so ro_positioning.vim' if not installed) and try the help (:he) and
try arrows down. You'll notice that up/down arrows behave more conveniently.

This plugin remaps arrow-up and arrow-down in readonly files to behave more conveniently. No remappings are done for non-readonly files.

If you want to enable this mode for arbitrary writable file, do:
     :set ro
install details
Just copy the included file (ro_positioning.vim) into either personal plugin directory (~/.vim/plugin/.), or into global plugin directory ($VIMRUNTIME/plugin/.)

To copy into the personal plugin directory:

  mkdir -p ~/.vim/plugin; cp ro_positioning.vim ~/.vim/plugin/.

To copy into the global plugin directory:

  cp ro_positioning.vim $VIMRUNTIME/plugin/.

Parameters: no parameters.

Commands and keys: arrow up, arrow down

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
ro_positioning.vim 1.1 2003-07-24 6.0 Yakov Lerner fixed switch to/from readonly windows
ro_positioning.vim 1.0 2003-07-22 6.0 Yakov Lerner Initial upload
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