isi2bib : Convert a bibliographic database from ISI to BibTeX format
script karma |
Rating 20/5,
Downloaded by 1849 |
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Vim wiki
created by |
Ajit Thakkar |
script type |
utility |
description |
Convert a bibliographic database from ISI (Institute of Scientific Information, Web of Science) export format to BibTeX format.
Noninteractive Usage:
From the command line, cd to the directory of the ISI database, and issue the command
vim -u NONE -c ":ru isi2bib.vim" fname
where fname is the name of the ISI database file. The BibTeX database will be saved in base(fname).bib where base(fname) is the ISI file name without an extension.
BibTeX keys are constructed as follows: (last name of first author).(last two digits of year).(disambiguation mark) where the disambiguation mark is a lower case letter that is used only when needed. For example, a key could be Smith03 if it is unique but will be Smith03f if it is the 7th key starting with Smith03.
Only records of type(PT) article are converted. Other record types are ignored. Only the author(AU), title(TI), pages(BP,EP), year(PY), volume(VL) and journal(JI) fields are converted.
Recent ISI records (1996 and later) use both lower- and upper-case. The case is respected and protected by braces when necessary. Older (pre-1996) ISI records use only upper case. A crude conversion to mixed case is made.
Some manual cleanup of the title fields will be required; for example, to use math mode for symbols, etc. |
install details |
Place somewhere in your runtimepath (typically ~/.vim or $HOME/vimfiles). |
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