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CD.vim : CD to whatever directory the current buffer is using.

 script karma  Rating 185/87, Downloaded by 8140  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Rich Harkins
script type
This is a tiny little script to allow the VIM user to CD to whatever directory your buffer currently is in.  So, if you "vim my/dir/deeply/in/src/file.txt" a lot then ":CD" will move VIM into my/dir/deeply/in/src so that you can edit other files easily within the same directory.
install details
Either copy the guts of the file into your .vimrc or source it.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
cd.vim 2.1 2002-06-17 6.0 vipin aravind useful when changing directories when buffers are switched.
CD.vim 2.0 2002-01-03 5.7 Gergely Kontra Simplified. I'm not sure it works under vim 5.7
CD.vim 1.1 2001-10-03 5.7 Rich Harkins Added support for backslash separated filenames.  Thanks to Kontra Gergely for pointing this flaw out.
CD.vim 1.000001:) 2001-08-20 5.7 Rich Harkins Sorry - missed the com command off my posting!!!
CD.vim 1.0 2001-08-20 5.7 Rich Harkins Initial upload
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