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Conflict2Diff : Turns a CVS conflict file into a threeway diff

 script karma  Rating 43/16, Downloaded by 1900  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Chris Rimmer
script type
This plugin splits a CVS conflict file into three diff windows.  The 2 conflicting versions of the file are put on the left and right.  The central window contains the file, with each conflicting area replaced by "=======".  Buffer specific mappings are set up to make the merging simple:

<Ctrl-Down> Move to the next conflict
<Ctrl-Up> Move to the previous conflict
<Ctrl-Left> Use the text from the lefthand file for this conflicting area
<Ctrl-Right> Use the text from the righthand file for this conflicting area
<Ctrl-q> Finish by closing the left and righthand windows, turning off diff and removing the mappings
install details
Unpack the files somewhere that vim can find them.  You'll need to run the :helptags command to install the documentation.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
conf2dif.zip 1.1 2004-07-07 6.0 Chris Rimmer Changed so that moving up and down with <Ctrl+Up> and <Ctrl+Down> also centres the cursor vertically on the screen.
conf2dif.zip 1.0 2003-04-15 6.0 Chris Rimmer Initial upload
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