Popcorn : You can define your own pop-up menu.
script karma |
Rating 4/1,
Downloaded by 665 |
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Vim wiki
created by |
Shuhei Kubota |
script type |
utility |
description |
- Vim9
- `+popupwin`
<normal mode>
- j, k: up, down
- h, l(enter): menu level (h: go up, l: go down)
- enter: execute
- q, esc: quit
- /: search mode
- upper case: search mode when g:PopcornSearchOnUpper
<search mode>
- ctrl-n, ctrl-p: up, down
- enter: execute
- esc: normal mode
- backspace, ctrl-h: backspace
- alpha nuberic: search
# vim9script
g:PopcornItems = [
{name: 'LSP', sub: [
{name: 'Hover', execute: 'LspHover', default: true},
{name: 'Definition', execute: 'LspDefinition'},
{name: 'Rename', execute: 'LspRename'},
{name: 'Window', sub: [
{name: 'Alt', executeeval: '"buffer " .. bufnr("#")', default: true},
{name: '-'},
{name: 'Split(--)', execute: 'split'},
{name: 'Split(|)', execute: 'vsplit'},
{name: '-'},
{name: 'Time', nameeval: 'strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")', skip: true},
You can set menu items directly to g:PopcornItems.
You can also use g:Popcorn_clear(), g:Popcorn_add() and g:Popcorn_remove().
1. Each item must have `name`
2. Must have one of (`execute`, `executeeval`, `sub`)
3. `nameeval` is eval()-ed when displayed (priority: `nameeval` > `name`)
4. `executeeval` is eval()-ed when executed (priority: `executeeval` > `execute`)
5. 'execute' (and 'executeeval') can be a string or a list of strings
6. 'default' item is executed when enter is pressed on its parent
7. A separator is {name: '-'}
8. 'skip' is true if the cursor skips the item
- g:PopcornGroupHighlight = 'Comment'
- g:PopcornSeparatorHighlight = 'Comment'
- g:PopcornSearchOnUpper = false
https://github.com/shu-vim/Popcorn |
install details |
Put this plugin in your plugin directory(e.g. $VIMRUNTIME/plugin).
Then restart Vim. |
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