tabs.vim : Tabs manager, handy when you open 10+ tabs.
script karma |
Rating 0/0,
Downloaded by 251 |
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created by |
Javier Puigdevall |
script type |
utility |
description |
Just a tool to help you manage a heavy amount of tabs on your vim editor.
Use command :Tabsm or map tm to display the tab manager window.
Use command :Tabsh to show the abridged command help.
Default mappings:
Esc+1 to Esc+0 (Win+1, Win+0): move to window number 1 to 10.
Esc+l and Esc+h (Win+l, Win+h): move to next or previous tab.
Esc+, and Esc+. (Win+l, Win+h): move tab a spot right or left.
- Deactivate default mappings (tm, ts, tr)
let g:Tabs_useDefaultMappings=0
-Deactivate default tab movement mappings:
let g:Tabs_useDefaultMoveMappings=0
-Deactivate default move to tab number mappings:
let g:g:Tabs_useDefaultGotoMappings=0
install details |
Minimum version: Vim 7.0+
Recomended version: Vim 8.0+
Install vimball:
download tabs_0.0.1.vmb
vim tabs_0.0.1.vmb
:so %
:q |
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