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addr2line : Perform address to line on a backtrace, load results on quickfix window..

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created by
Javier Puigdevall
script type
Given a buffer with an execution backtrace, this utility launches addr2line tool to obtain the code lines belonging to the addresses on the backtrace.

If no line selected, the current cursor position line will be used to search for the address ([0x...]) and perform the addr2line.

If there are lines selected, addr2line will be performed for the addresses found on each line.

The result of addr2line will be displayed on a quickfix window.


let g:Addr2line_symbols = "/myPath/myProject.symbols"
let g:Addr2line_bin  = "addr2line"


Perform address to line on current cursor position, use default symbols and binary.

Perform address to line on current selected lines, use default symbols and binary.

Perform address to line from current cursor position line and next three lines, use default the symbols and binary paths provided.
:A2l mypath/project.symbols /bin/arm_addr2line 3

Perform address to line on selected lines, use default the symbols and binary paths provided.
:'<,'>A2l mypath/project.symbols /bin/arm_addr2line
install details
Minimum version: Vim 7.0+
Recomended version: Vim 8.0+

Binaries: addr2line.

Install vimball:
download addr2line_0.0.1.vba
vim addr2line_0.0.1.vba
:so %

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
addr2line_0.0.1.vmb 0.0.1 2021-03-30 7.0 Javier Puigdevall Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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