guifont++.vim : Vim plugin for quickly changing GUI font size
script karma |
Rating 138/55,
Downloaded by 4431 |
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Vim wiki
created by |
Alexander Anderson |
script type |
utility |
description |
This plugin defines key mappings to quickly make the GUI font larger or
smaller. The default mappings are "+" to make the font larger by 1 point
and "-" to make the font smaller by 1 point. The original font size can
be restored with "=" key at any time. The mappings are user-configurable
(see the installation section below).
This plugin should work on Unix and Win32 but it will work only with
certain patterns of 'guifont' option, namely:
- on Unix, 'guifont' should be set to the X Logical Font Description
(XLFD) name, for example:
set guifont=-*-lucidatypewriter-bold-*-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
- on Win32, 'guifont' should include 'hXX' font option, for example:
set guifont=Lucida_Console:h8:cANSI
Please let me know if this is not good enough for you. |
install details |
Simply copy this plugin into your plugin directory. (See 'plugin' in the
Vim User Manual.) Additionally, you may choose to override one of the
following global variables, which are used by this plugin, in your vimrc
- guifontpp_size_increment (default: 1)
The number of points by which to make the font size smaller or
- guifontpp_smaller_font_map (default: "-")
LHS of the key mapping to make the font size smaller.
- guifontpp_larger_font_map (default: "+")
LHS of the key mapping to make the font size larger.
- guifontpp_original_font_map (default: "=")
LHS of the key mapping to restore the original font size.
For example, you could have something like this in your vimrc file:
let guifontpp_size_increment=2
let guifontpp_smaller_font_map="<F10>"
let guifontpp_larger_font_map="<S-F10>"
let guifontpp_original_font_map="<C-F10>" |
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