jobs.vim : Run system commands in background.
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Downloaded by 488 |
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Vim wiki
created by |
Javier Puigdevall |
script type |
utility |
description |
Tool to be used on other plugins to launch system commands in background.
Includes several commands to check the commands in progress (Jobsl).
Stop all commands in background (Jobska)
Choose wich commands in background to stop (Jobsk)
Showw all commands in background related to current vim window (Jobshw)
Showw all commands history (Jobshy)
Use :Jobsh to show command help.
function! svnTools#Blame()
¦ let file = expand("%")
¦ let name = expand("%:t")
¦ let pos = line('.')
¦ let ext = s:GetSyntax()
¦ let command = "svn blame -v ".l:file
¦ let callback = "svnTools#SvnBlameEnd(\"".l:pos."\",\"".l:ext."\",\"".l:name."\","
¦ let l:async = 1
¦ call jobs#RunCmd(a:command, a:callback, l:async, "svn")
function! svnTools#SvnBlameEnd(pos,ext,name,resfile)
¦ if exists('a:resfile') && !empty(glob(a:resfile))
¦ ¦ " Process the svn blame file
¦ else
¦ ¦ echo "ERROR. Svn blame empty"
¦ endif
install details |
Minimum version: Vim 8.0+
Simplest method:
- Just unzip to your .vim folder.
Plugin manager:
- Either vim-pathogen or Vundle are recommended. |
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
jobs_0.1.1.vmb |
0.1.1 |
2021-05-28 |
7.0 |
Javier Puigdevall |
- New: hide passwords, prevent showing command passwords on the command line, instead replace the password with * characters.
Use option: g:jobs_hidePsswd to dissable it password hidding. |
jobs.tar.gz |
0.0..1 |
2020-06-22 |
8.0 |
Javier Puigdevall |
Initial upload |
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