winStack : Commands to manage window splits as a window stack.
script karma |
Rating 10/4,
Downloaded by 397 |
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Vim wiki
created by |
Javier Puigdevall |
script type |
utility |
description |
Based on a window layout configuration with two vertical splits, one without horizontal splits (main window), the other with several horizontal splits (window stack).
Aso on:
1) Window layout with stack on the right:
Main Stack
| | Window 2 |
| +---------------+
| | Window 3 |
| Window 1+---------------+
| | Window 4 |
2) Window layout with stack on the left:
let g:windowStack_defaultSide = "left"
Stack Main
| Window 1 | |
+---------------+ |
| Window 2 | Window 4 |
+---------------+ |
| Window 3 | |
The plugin helps moving a buffer to the main window, add it to the window stack as a new split, or exchange buffers between stack tnd main window.
Quickix items can be opened too on the stack or main window directly from the quickfix list .
Recomended .vimrc mappings:
nmap <unique> <F5> :WinUnstack<CR>
nmap <unique> <F8> :WinStack<CR>
:WinStack, <leader>ws or <F5>
Stack a window, move it to the bottom of the window stack.
:WinUnstack, <leader>wu or <F8>
Unstack a window, move it to the main window split.
Open an example window layout to test the commands.
install details |
Simplest method:
- Just unzip to your .vim folder.
Plugin manager:
- Either vim-pathogen or Vundle are recommended. |
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