dsf.vim : Delete surrounding function call
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created by |
Andrew Radev |
script type |
utility |
description |
The plugin defines a mapping to delete a surrounding function call (or something similar to one), even if it happens to be namespaced. Some examples:
nested(function_call(cursor_here)) -> nested(cursor_here)
nested(cursor_here(chewy_center)) -> cursor_here(chewy_center)
One::Two.new([cursor_here]) -> [cursor_here]
One::Two.new(Hash[cursor_here]) -> One::Two.new(cursor_here)
SomeStruct{cursor_here: "Something"} -> cursor_here: "Something"
By pressing `dsf` (which stands for "delete surrounding function call") with the cursor on `cursor_here`, you get the result on the right.
The plugin also defines `csf` to "change surrounding function call", which deletes only the function itself and leaves the cursor waiting to enter a new name.
The plugin also defines text objects for `if` and `af` to manipulate function calls with their contents. Given this example:
var result = function_call(one, two);
Typing `daf` ("a function call") with the cursor anywhere on `function_call(one, two)` would result in:
var result = ;
Typing `dif` ("inner function call") with the cursor anywhere on `function_call(one, two)` would result in:
var result = function_call();
To learn more about how text objects work, try `:help text-objects`.
If you'd like to set your own mappings, instead of using the built-ins, simply set the variable `g:dsf_no_mappings` to `1` and use the <Plug> mappings provided by the plugin:
let g:dsf_no_mappings = 1
nmap dsf <Plug>DsfDelete
nmap csf <Plug>DsfChange
omap af <Plug>DsfTextObjectA
xmap af <Plug>DsfTextObjectA
omap if <Plug>DsfTextObjectI
xmap if <Plug>DsfTextObjectI
Change any of the left-hand sides of the `map` calls to whatever you'd like. |
install details |
The easiest way to install the plugin is with a plugin manager:
- vim-plug: https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug
- Vundle: https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim
If you use one, just follow the instructions in its documentation.
You can install the plugin yourself using Vim's "packages" functionality by cloning the project (or adding it as a submodule) under `~/.vim/pack/<any-name>/start/`. For example:
git clone https://github.com/AndrewRadev/dsf.vim ~/.vim/pack/_/start/dsf
This should automatically load the plugin for you on Vim start. Alternatively, you can add it to `~/.vim/pack/<any-name>/opt/` instead and load it in your .vimrc manually with:
packadd dsf
If you'd rather not use git, you can download the files from the "releases" tab and unzip them in the relevant directory: https://github.com/AndrewRadev/dsf.vim/releases. |
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