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vimtags : Create and update tags files with pure VIM (without ctags etc.)

 script karma  Rating 0/0, Downloaded by 583  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Tom Link
script type
The vimtags plugin creates and maintains tags files with pure vimscript. No
external helper app like ctags and friends is involved.

NOTE: vimtags will only update tags files created by vimtags. It won't modify
tags files created by other programs like ctags.

Examples: >

    " Create a tags file with |:Vimtags|
    Vimtags ~/.vim/pack/tags ~/.vim/pack/**/*.vim

    " Create tags patterns for a new language with |:Vimtagsfiletype| and
    " |:Vimtagsdef|
    Vimtagsfiletype R *.R *.r
    Vimtagsdef R /^\s*"?\([.A-Za-z][.A-Za-z0-9_]*\)"?\s*<-\s*function/ f

    " Read your ctags config with |:Vimtagsctagsconfig| (see also
    " |:Vimtagsctags|)
    Vimtagsctagsconfig ~/.ctags

If a file is connected to a tags file created by |:Vimtags|, the tags file will
be automatically updated if necessary when saving the file.

Out of the box, vimtags comes with support for the following languages:

- latex
- markdown
- R
- vimscript
- viki (vimscript #5551 and vimscript #861)
install details
Either use the zip archive:

- Download the zip archive
- Extract it to `~/.vim/pack/tml/start/vimtags_vim`

or install from github:

- Start a terminal
- Change the working directory to `~/.vim/pack/tml/start/`
- Type: `git clone https://github.com/tomtom/vimtags_vim`

or use a VIM plugin manager like vim-plug, vundle, dein.vim, VAM etc.

NOTE: On Windows, ~/.vim might be ~/vimfiles. Please see 'runtimepath'
for details.

Some features require the tlib_vim plugin (vimscript #1863) to be installed:

Also available via git: http://github.com/tomtom/vimtags_vim

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vimtags.zip 1.0 2019-04-27 8.0 Tom Link Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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