foldtext : Folding support for some filetypes that don't do so by default
script karma |
Rating 0/0,
Downloaded by 1101 |
Comments, bugs, improvements
Vim wiki
created by |
Tom Link |
script type |
ftplugin |
description |
This plugin provides `folding` support for filetypes that don't do so by default:
- markdown, pandoc
- viki
- LaTeX
- org mode
- mediawiki
It is assumed that a file with one of these filetypes contains a few heading
and many lines of text in between.
install details |
Either use the zip archive:
- Download the zip archive
- Extract it to ~/.vim/pack/tml/start/foldtext_vim
or install from github:
- Start a terminal
- Change the working directory to ~/.vim/pack/tml/start/
- Type: git clone
NOTE: On Windows, ~/.vim might be ~/vimfiles. Please see 'runtimepath' for
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
ip used for rating: