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HiCurLine : Highlights the current line

 script karma  Rating 96/70, Downloaded by 5127  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Charles Campbell
script type
This script has a number of maps that intercept various motions and cause the current line to be highlighted.  It is a variant of <HiMtchBrkt.vim> (vimtip#177).

    \hcli : initiate HiCurLine operation
    \hcls : stop HiCurLine operation

(see vimtip#411 to have HiCurLine automatically begin highlighting)

HiCurLine.vim uses the HL_HiCurLine highlighting group (by default) to specify the highlighting of the current line.  One may change the highlighting group HiCurLine uses with the g:HL_HiCurLine variable.  By default,

let g:HL_HiCurLine= "HL_HiCurLine"

and <HiCurLine.vim> will specify that group internally.  Otherwise, one may change the group used to whatever one wishes:

let g:HL_HiCurLine= "Search"
let g:HL_HiCurLine= "Function"

etc.  The default highlighting is: (background is a setting, see :he 'bg')

background == dark : blue text on cyan background
background == light: cyan text on blue background

(alpha/beta version available at http://www.drchip.org/astronaut/vim/index.html#HICURLINE)
install details
1. Put into your .vim/plugin or
   _vimfiles\plugin directory (Unix/Windows)
2. \hcli (actually <Leader> hcli) will
   begin the highlighting.
3. \hcls will terminate HiCurLine activity, restoring any previous maps, etc. (actually <Leader>hcls)
   (see :he mapleader for more on how to customize the leading characters of mappings)


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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
HiCurLine.vim.gz 6 2005-11-22 6.0 Charles Campbell * \hclt and :HCL now toggles [HiCurLine] mode
* Cursorhold/FocusGained update time now set to 200ms
* go =~ 'm' now used in test to see if menus are to be generated
HiCurLine.vim.bz2 5 2004-07-16 6.0 Charles Campbell Several small improvements this time: HiCurLine now uses CursorHold to update its highlighting when the colorscheme has been changed.  More motion support: gg and G.  The highlighting group HL_HiCurLine is used, thereby permitting the user to override it.  The g:HL_HiCurLine variable is "HL_HiCurLine" by default, but the user may change that (ex. let g:HL_HiCurLine="Search").
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