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lib.kom : Scripting highly advanced-functions

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created by
Rom Grk
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Much better display on the hub: https://github.com/romgrk/lib.kom

Scripting autoload functions for syntax highlighting and buffer/window management. Also comes with _.vim, which is the start of a kind-of adaptation of lodash/underscore to vimL, that I will hopefully never have to complete.

Example: get objects & use them
let cur_win = win#() " => a Window object (the current by default) (such a loss of time in this nonsense)
let alt_win = win#("#") " => the window where is displayed the alternate buffer
call alt_win.cmd('bnext')       " safely executes “bnext” in alt_win context
call cur_win.open( buf#(9) ) " opens buffer 9 in current window

Example: exchange buffers between current window and second window
let other = win#(2).buf()
call win#(2).open(buf#())
call win#().open(other)

" Print all &buflisted buffers, where filetype is "vim" and
" that have a bufnr higher than 10.
echo buf#filter('&buflisted', '&ft=="vim"', 'v:val > 10')

echo win#filter('&buflisted') " => List<Number> of windows containing listed buffers

call win#(2).open(4)
" buffer #4 is opened in window #2

echo color#darken('#599eff', '0.2')
" => #477ecc
echo color#HexToRGB('#599eff')
" => [89, 158, 255]
(if you find this useful, let me know, I might write more documentation)

hi.vim - highlighting

hi#fg and hi#bg ('GoupName' [, color:String]) are both getter and setters hi#( name [, group:[] | fg [,bg [,attr ] ] ] ) can get/set or define your group without error

a group-hl definition may be: (name && ( 1, 2 or 4 arguments)) || (Array of (2, 3 or 4 arguments))

where arguments are assumed to be (in order): gui-foreground-color, gui-background-color, attributes (no cterm handling)

Useful trick example:

gives you the foreground color for group Function

fu! hi# (...)
fu! hi#fg (name, ...)
fu! hi#bg (name, ...)
" the rest:  check the source for more details
fu! hi#id (name)
fu! hi#attr (name, ...)
fu! hi#name (id)
fu! hi#create (name, ...)
fu! hi#set (name, ...)
fu! hi#exists (r)
fu! hi#islink (name)
fu! hi#isdefined (name)
fu! hi#get (ref)
fu! hi#group (...)
fu! hi#clear (name)
fu! hi#fill (group, ...)
fu! hi#compose (rule, ...)


install details
As usual (and I'm not talking about download: install from the repo with some manager: https://github.com/romgrk/lib.kom)
(I always wonder why we still use this atrocity called vim.org)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
lib_kom.zip 1.1 2016-03-16 7.0 Rom Grk Patches, doc, examples
lib_kom.zip 1.0 2016-02-12 7.3 Rom Grk Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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