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autolinker : Automatic links for any filetype (e.g. for a markdown/latex based wiki)

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created by
Tom Link
script type

    - Call |:Autolinkbuffer| to enable autolinker for the current buffer
      or check the definitions of |g:autolinker_filetypes| and
    - Jump to files in the current directory and highlight potential hyperlinks
    - Jump to files in 'path'
    - Jump to tags
    - Invoke URLs
    - Use a fallback command (e.g. create inexistent files)

The default map is `gz` in normal and visual mode (see |g:autolinker#nmap| and
|g:autolinker#xmap|). In insert mode, is is <c-cr> if the key is yet unmapped
(see |g:autolinker#imap|).

Differences to |gf|:

    - Customizable & extensible
    - Supports several methods
    - Highlight some potential hyperlinks
    - When there are multiple potential matches, users can select the right
      file from a list
install details
To install the vimball, edit the vba file and type: >

    :so %

See :help vimball for details.

To install from github, please use a plugin manager like enable_vim, pathogen,
VAM, Vundle, NeoBundle, vim-plug, vim-unbundle etc.

This script requires tlib (vimscript #1863) to be installed -- see

Also available on https://github.com/tomtom/autolinker_vim

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
autolinker.zip 0.03 2017-05-02 7.0 Tom Link - s:EditEdit(): try|catch
- prototype.Jump_tag: Ignore E73
- FIX #1: s/autogroup!/autocmd!/ Don't delete the AutoLinker autocmd group; don't set b:undo_ftplugin
- Require tlib >= 1.21
- FIX enable autolinker on FileType autocommand
- FIX interplay of g:autolinker#layout and g:autolinker#edit_* (relevant to the <LL>a maps (g:autolinker#map_options)
- misc improvements & fixes
- Handle mailto:; etc.
- Support mailto: URLs, use queries ?q=SEARCHTEXT, ?lnum=N
- prototype.SplitFilename(): Don't display message on #q=... and similar (just assume the probably right thing)
- g:autolinker#url_rx
- Improve maps
- s:Jump(): FIX handling of w: variables
- FIX #2: Support for hyperlink markup
- viki: Support for intervikis, extended wiki links [[LINK]] or [[LINK][TEXT]]
- ft_viki#ExpandCFile(): Improved suffix detection
- Support for functions in g:autolinker#cfile_gsub
- viki: Append suffix only if a link doesn't already include it
- viki: Try harder to find the file
- autolinker#Balloon(): FIX s/self/autolinker/
- Use tlib#file#Filereadable() (tlib >= 1.24)
- autolinker#EnableBuffer(): Make sure not to init a buffer twice
- Simplify g:autolinker#hyperlinks_markup_rx
- Check the current buffer too in case the plugin gets loaded after startup
SHA256 checksum: 9c516effdfd7c6c373b4861443d17fc044a7914d4ae2d3feb0bc0fba537f78d9
autolinker.vba 0.02 2016-01-26 7.0 Tom Link - ]gz, [gz maps to jump between potential links (only words and Internet hyperlinks)
- Make ]gz, [gz maps configurable
- g:autolinker#cfile_gsub: "stop" option
- autolinker#EditInPath(): Insert cfile
- Moved g:autolinker#system_rx related code to tlib
- typo
- Require tlib >= 1.15
- Support for markdown link maps
- Support for sub-filetypes (MAJOR.MINOR)
- Support for internal references
- Misc enhancements
- FIX g:autolinker#cfile_stop_characters
- typo
- NEW :Alfind command
- NEW fileurl support; improved handling of directories etc.
- s/TLibTrace/Tlibtrace/g
- g:autolinker#cfile_rstrip_rx replaces g:autolinker#cfile_stop_characters
- s:EditEdit: Ensure the directory exists
- :Aledit completion expands cfile_gsub etc.
- Alfind -> Algrep; NEW Alfind: Select file
- NEW autolinker#Balloon()
- Handle file:// urls in CleanCFile()
- Support jumping to line numbers (filename#LNUM) or occurrences of strings (filename#q=RX)
- Enable for ttodo filetype by default
- Fix highlighting
- g:autolinker#url_rx: include "+"
- g:autolinker_filetypes: Remove help
- g:autolinker#url_rx: Include "="
- Simplify prototype.CfileGsubRx()
- autolinker#EnableBuffer: FIX handle buffers with empty filetypes
- Re-enable :Aledit command
- autolinker#CompleteFilename. Include names from g:autolinker#cfile_gsub
- autolinker#CompleteFilename: Optimize completion of directories
- autolinker#CompleteFilename(): sort cfile_gsub names before results from glob()
- autolinker#CompleteFilename: Escape blanks
MD5 checksum: fcef3b288da74153a143e2d0272fe30e
autolinker.vba 0.01 2015-10-02 7.4 Tom Link Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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