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vim-sandwich : The set of operator and textobject plugins to edit sandwiched textobjects.

 script karma  Rating 18/8, Downloaded by 3234  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Masaaki Nakamura
script type
sandwich.vim is the set of operator and textobject plugins to add/delete/replace surroundings of a sandwiched textobject, like (foo), "bar".

* add
    Press sa{motion/textobject}{addition}. For example, a key sequence saiw( makes foo to (foo).

* delete
    Press sdb or sd{deletion}. For example, key sequences sdb or sd( makes (foo) to foo. sdb searchs a set of surrounding automatically.

* replace
    Press srb{addition} or sr{deletion}{addition}. For example, key sequences srb" or sr(" makes (foo) to "foo".

Latest version: https://github.com/machakann/vim-sandwich
install details
Unzip and just put all folders in your ~/.vim.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-sandwich-1.3.0.zip 1.3.0 2016-08-27 7.4 Masaaki Nakamura * Bug fixes.
* Add functional inputs. (https://github.com/machakann/vim-sandwich/wiki/Magic-characters)
vim-sandwich-1.2.2.zip 1.2.2 2015-10-26 7.4 Masaaki Nakamura * Bug fixes.
* Improve 'skip_break' option for textobj-sandwich.
vim-sandwich-1.2.1.zip 1.2.1 2015-10-09 7.4 Masaaki Nakamura Bug fixes.
vim-sandwich-1.2.0.zip 1.2.0 2015-08-28 7.4 Masaaki Nakamura * Bug fixes.
* Add 'skip_regex_head' and 'skip_regex_tail' option.
* Add 'inner_syntax' option.
* Update default recipes to fix inconveniences in several filetypes.
vim-sandwich-1.1.1.zip 1.1.1 2015-07-31 7.4 Masaaki Nakamura Bug fixes.
vim-sandwich-1.1.0.zip 1.1.0 2015-07-23 7.4 Masaaki Nakamura * Bug fixes.
* Add 'autoindent' option
* Add 'indentkeys' option
vim-sandwich-1.0.0.zip 1.0.0 2015-05-23 7.4 Masaaki Nakamura Initial upload
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