ShowSpaces : Highlight indentation characters if they contain spaces, even mixed with tabs
script karma |
Rating 2/4,
Downloaded by 858 |
Comments, bugs, improvements
Vim wiki
created by |
Laurent Georget |
script type |
syntax |
description |
Vim-ShowSpaces is a Vim plugin which highlights the indentation characters when
spaces are used, even when spaces and tabs are mixed. It is useful to enforce
the use of tabulations in a project instead of spaces, or even worse, mixed
tabulations and spaces.
The highlighting can be activated on a per filetype basis.
READ THE DOCUMENTATION (or at least the README)! The plugin does not highlight
anything by default. You need to 'let g:showSpaces=1' somewhere (preferably inside a
ftplugin/ local config file).
Sources are available on github:
The project is under BSD-2 clauses license. (See file LICENSE in the archive).
install details |
If you don't have a preferred installation method, I recommend installing
pathogen.vim, and then simply copy and paste:
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://
If you are a Vundle user, the following will probably work, although it was not
Add Bundle 'guiniol/vim-showspaces' to your |vimrc| and then:
- either within Vim: :BundleInstall
- or in your shell: vim +BundleInstall +qall
If you use NeoBundle, do the following:
Add NeoBundle 'guiniol/vim-showspaces.git' to your vimrc and then:
- either within Vim: :NeoBundleInstall
- or in your shell: vim +NeoBundleInstall +qall
If you feel adventurous, you can also put yourself the files in the right directories after decompressing the archive, they are not too numerous.
script versions (upload new version)
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