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Printer Dialog : set print options via dialog

 script karma  Rating 139/64, Downloaded by 3754  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Christian Habermann
script type
This script's intention is to simplify printing of text. It provides
a dialog to make many many printer settings before starting to print.
E.g. select:
  - printer device
  - font and its size
  - format of paper
  - colorscheme
  - line-numbering
  - ....

Pressing <Leader>pd opens the Printer Dialog in which you can make your
settings and start/cancel printing.

You can print either the whole contents of a buffer or a part of it.
If you want to select a whole buffer for printing, press <Leader>pd.
If you want to print only a part of a buffer, visually select this part and
press <Leader>pd.
install details
Printer Dialog consists out of two files, the script 'prtdialog.vim' and
the documentation 'prtdialog.txt'.

To use this script copy it into your local plugin-directory
  Linux:   ~/.vim/plugin
  Windows: c:\vimfiles\plugin

If you want to add the documentation to VIM's help system, copy
'prtdialog.txt' to your local doc-directory
  Linux:   ~/.vim/doc
  Windows: c:\vimfiles\doc

start VIM and do:
  :helptags ~/.vim/doc   (or :helptags c:\vimfiles\doc)

To view help do:
  :help prtdialog

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
prtdialog.zip 1.0.0 2002-12-12 6.0 Christian Habermann Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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