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greputil.vim : simplifies usage of 'grep'

 script karma  Rating 75/36, Downloaded by 2295  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Christian Habermann
script type
This script simplifies usage of the :grep-command and the navigation
through search results and search history.

To start search for the word under the cursor or for the visually
selected text press <Leader>gr. If there is no word under the cursor,
you will be prompted for a search-string. To be prompted for a
search-string anyway pressing <Leader>ga will do it.

Files will be searched in the actual directory. The file pattern
can be defined by a global variable, its default is
"*.c *.h *.cpp *.hpp" (yes, this script is primarily for
programmers :-) )

To show search-results open quickfix-window with :copen.
To navigate through the occurrences press <F6> or <F7>.
To bring back results of older or newer search-sessions press
<S-F6> or <S-F7>.
install details
To use this script copy it into your local plugin-directory
(Unix: ~/.vim/plugin). After starting VIM this script is sourced

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
greputil.vim 1.0.0 2002-12-02 6.0 Christian Habermann Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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