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fireplace.vim : Clojure REPL support

 script karma  Rating 316/93, Downloaded by 3621  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Tim Pope
script type
There's a REPL in fireplace, but you probably wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't told you.  Such is the way with fireplace.vim.  By the way, this plugin is for Clojure.

Partial feature list:

* Transparent setup and automatic connection.
* Evaluate code from the buffer or arbitrary input.
* Jump to namespace or function definitions.
* Wrappers for source, doc, and macroexpand.
* Omnicomplete.

See http://clojure-doc.org/articles/tutorials/vim_fireplace.html for help getting started.
install details
You'll need Python.  On Windows, the Vim Python interface is required.  :h if_pyth

First, set up https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider-nrepl. (If you skip this step, fireplace.vim will make do with eval, which mostly works.)

Extract in ~/.vim (~\vimfiles on Windows).

If you prefer an SCM install:

    git clone https://tpo.pe/vim/fireplace.git ~/.vim/bundle/fireplace

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
fireplace.zip 2.1 2019-08-12 8.0 Tim Pope Bug fixes and minor tweaks.
fireplace.zip 2.0 2019-08-01 8.0 Tim Pope Native job/channel support with asynchronous API.
Run tests asynchronously.
Provide global :CljEval and :CljsEval commands.
Softly deprecate :Piggieback in favor of :CljEval (whatever/cljs-repl).
Use ClojureScript for cljc files if REPL initialized.
Replace Nashorn ClojureScript REPL default with configuration option.
Provide :SpecForm and :SpecExample.
Replace automatic stacktrace retrieval with :Stacktrace.
Extract bulk of plugin file to autoload file.
Use explicit clojure.core in all evals for improved robustness.
fireplace.zip 1.2 2019-06-05 8.0 Tim Pope Support pretty printinng.
Provide code formatting on gq.
Greatly improve ClojureScript support.
Support latest nREPL, Piggieback, and CIDER.
Fully support Python 3.
Assorted bug fixes and minor enhancements.
fireplace.zip 1.1 2015-06-30 7.0 Tim Pope Support cider completion, including context aware completion.
Updates for latest cider-nrepl and piggieback.
Use :.RunTests or 1cpr to run test under cursor.
Add CTRL-R CTRL-F and CTRL-R CTRL-P command line maps.
Add support for boot's fake class path.
Fix handling of CTRL-C interrupt while evaling.
Numerous minor bug fixes.
fireplace.zip 1.0 2014-07-04 7.0 Tim Pope Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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