InnerFragmentComplete : Insert mode completion based on fragments inside words.
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created by |
Ingo Karkat |
script type |
utility |
description |
The built-in insert mode completion i_CTRL-N searches for entire keywords.
Often, variable names share many identical fragments, but if you want to
complete from fragments inside of variables (e.g. "KeyValue" from
"SpecialKeyValue"), it won't work, because the usual completions only offer
whole keyword matches.
- The anchoring to individual fragment characters is re-used from
CamelCaseComplete (vimscript #3915), but applied here only to fragments
inside CamelCaseWords or underscore_words, not whole words.
- BidiComplete (vimscript #4658) can complete inner (or leftmost) fragments
when there's already a completion base after the cursor.
- Check out the CompleteHelper.vim plugin page (vimscript #3914) for a full
list of insert mode completions powered by it.
In insert mode, invoke the inner fragment completion via CTRL-X i
You can then search forward and backward via CTRL-N / CTRL-P, as usual.
CTRL-X i Find matches for inner fragments. It first searches
inside CamelCaseWords and underscore_words, either for
matches of the keyword characters before the cursor at
the inner fragment start, or for fragments whose
individual words begin with the typed letters in front
of the cursor. (The latter requires the optional
CamelCaseComplete.vim plugin, and then works like
with the strict i_CTRL-X_CTRL-C completion.)
The completion base starts with the first uppercase
character before the cursor (so "myCust" would find
fragments starting with "Cust", e.g. in
"SpecialCustomer"), or the keywords (excluding the
underscore character, to be able to trigger completion
inside an underscore_word) before the cursor. If the
first keyword character is lowercase, the inner
CamelCase matches will be converted to start
lowercase, too.
If there is a fragment before the completion base
(e.g. "My" in "MyCust", or "end_" in "end_foo") the
completion not only offers matching inner fragments,
but also the complete word match, in order to complete
prefixed new words with existing full words.
For CamelCaseWord fragments, matches at the start of a
CamelCaseWord are also valid, as long as it's not the
entire CamelCaseWord that is matched (e.g. "CC"
matches "CamelCase" in "CamelCaseWord").
If that doesn't find any matches, a fallback search
will pick up base matches anywhere inside a word (e.g.
"comp" will match "compress" inside "decompress").
The text contains "CamelCaseWords". To write "PascalCaseWords", start either
with "PascalCaseW" (unique text match), "PascalC" (several text matches), or
"PascalCW" (unique fragment match).
The text contains "ConfigurationItem". To write "SystemConfigurationItem",
start with "SystemCo" (full text match) or "SystemCI" (full fragment match). |
install details |
This script is packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip" decompressor
in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise, decompress
the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by sourcing the
vimball or via the :UseVimball command.
vim InnerFragmentComplete*.vmb.gz
:so %
To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.
- Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
- Requires the CompleteHelper.vim (vimscript #3914) plugin, version 1.32 or
- CamelCaseComplete.vim (vimscript #3915) plugin, version 1.01 or higher
For a permanent configuration, put the following commands into your vimrc:
Analoguous to the 'complete' option, you can specify which buffers will be
scanned for completion candidates. Currently, '.' (current buffer), 'w'
(buffers from other windows), and 'b' (other listed buffers) are supported.
let g:InnerFragmentComplete_complete = '.,w,b'
The global setting can be overridden for a particular buffer
If you want to use a different mapping, map your keys to the
<Plug>(InnerFragmentComplete) mapping target _before_ sourcing the script
(e.g. in your vimrc):
imap <C-x>i <Plug>(InnerFragmentComplete) |
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
InnerFragmentComplete-1.10.vmb.gz |
1.10 |
2014-04-04 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- ENH: When the completion base is prefixed by a fragment (e.g. "my" in "myFoo"), also offer full keyword / CamelCaseWord matches, not just inner fragments, as the default completion / CamelCaseComplete would not use that base, yet it is helpful when completing "myFooBar" from "FooBar".
- ENH: Also match from the start of a CamelCaseWord without a base prefix. But then, there must be additional (unmatched) fragments after the match to avoid overlap with the CamelCaseComplete completion. |
InnerFragmentComplete-1.00.vmb.gz |
1.00 |
2013-12-19 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
Initial upload |
ip used for rating: