Extended-FT : Extended functionality for 'f' and 't' commands
script karma |
Rating 9/3,
Downloaded by 962 |
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Vim wiki
created by |
Steve Vermeulen |
script type |
utility |
description |
This plugin adds the following behaviour to the default behaviour of the `f`, `F`, `t`, and `T` commands:
- Multiline - Can search across multiple lines or continue searching across multiple lines using `;` and `,` keys
- Smart Case - When the search character is lower case it matches both lower and upper case, and when the character is uppercase it matches only upper case.
- Allow repeating `t` and `T` commands using `;` or `,` commands (which doesn't really work properly in default Vim)
It's also worth noting that it only adds the new position to the jumplist if you've changed lines.
For more information please visit the github page at: https://github.com/svermeulen/vim-extended-ft
If you have remapped any of the `f`/`F`/`t`/`T`/`;`/`,` keys you can still use the plugin without changing it, by including the following in your .vimrc:
`let g:ExtendedFTUseDefaults = 0`
And then remapping the desired keys to the `<plug>` mappings in your .vimrc (see the bottom of the file vim-extended-ft.vim for an example).
To disable smartcase matching, and either force case-sensitive or case-insensitive, use this option in your .vimrc:
`let g:ExtendedFT_caseOption = `
Possible values:
* '\c' - Forces `ignorecase`
* '\C' - Forces `noignorecase` |
install details |
I recommend loading your plugins with vundle or pathogen or neobundle |
script versions (upload new version)
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