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fontdetect : Detect installed fonts

 script karma  Rating 11/5, Downloaded by 2107  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Michael Henry
script type
fontdetect helps Vim detect which fonts are installed on the system.
It works around limitations in Vim's getfontname() function.

For example (using GTK2 GUI)::

    if fontdetect#hasFontFamily("DejaVu Sans Mono")
        let &guifont = "DejaVu Sans Mono 14"

At present, the following platforms are supported:

- Linux (using GTK2 GUI)
- Windows
- Mac OS X

See documentation in doc/fontdetect.txt for installation instructions.

Developed by Michael Henry (vim at drmikehenry.com).

Distributed under Vim's license.

Git repository:   https://github.com/drmikehenry/vim-fontdetect
install details

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
fontdetect-0.3.0.zip 0.3.0 2018-10-28 7.0 Michael Henry Support for Python 3 in addition to Python 2 on OS X (thanks to Mike Haig).
fontdetect-0.2.2.zip 0.2.2 2013-10-03 7.0 Michael Henry Documentation reorganization.
vim-fontdetect-0.2.1.zip 0.2.1 2013-09-23 7.0 Michael Henry Restore cpoptions correctly.
vim-fontdetect-0.2.0.zip 0.2.0 2013-09-17 7.0 Michael Henry Initial upload
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