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scriptease.vim : A Vim plugin for Vim plugins

 script karma  Rating 73/25, Downloaded by 2438  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Tim Pope
script type
Enjoy this amalgamation of crap I use for editing runtime files.

:PP: Pretty print.
:Runtime: Reload runtime files.  Like :runtime!, but it unlets any include guards first.
:Disarm: Remove a runtime file's maps, commands, and autocommands, effectively disabling it.
:Scriptnames: Load :scriptnames into the quickfix list.
:Verbose: Capture the output of a :verbose invocation into the preview window.
:Time: Measure how long a command takes.
:Breakadd: Like its lowercase cousin, but makes it much easier to set breakpoints inside functions.  Also :Breakdel.
:Vedit: Edit a file relative the runtime path. For example, `:Vedit plugin/scriptease.vim`. Also, :Vsplit, :Vtabedit, etc.  Extracted from pathogen.vim (vimscript #2332).
K: Look up the :help for the VimL construct under the cursor.
zS: Show the active syntax highlighting groups under the cursor.
g!: Eval a motion or selection as VimL and replace it with the result.  This is handy for doing math, even outside of VimL.  It's so handy, in fact, that it probably deserves its own plugin.

install details
Extract in ~/.vim (~\vimfiles on Windows).

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
scriptease.zip 1.1 2022-05-30 7.0 Tim Pope Provide :Messages to load :messages into quickfix list.
Provide lightweight REPL on :PP with no argument.
Support :PP <SID>Func() to call script function from current buffer.
Benchmark repeat invocations on :[count]Time.
Show :Verbose output in temp buffer only.
Support :source on fugitive:// paths.
Replace g= map with g!.
Provide basic Projectionist projections.
Set dispatch.vim default task to :Runtime in .vim files.
Bug fixes and tweaks.
scriptease.zip 1.0 2013-01-12 7.0 Tim Pope Initial upload
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