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titlecase.vim : Convert range or visual to titlecase.

 script karma  Rating 3/4, Downloaded by 1684  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Robert KellyIV
script type
Change a range or visual to title case, i.e.
":TitleCase<CR>" results in:
Change A Range Or Visual To Title Case, I.E.

This simple changes (via :s) \<\l (start of word, lowercase a-z) to uppercase. Probably not perfect Titlecase but works good enough for a quickie!

Remaps (with no elegance) <F5> to FeralTitleCase_Visual, change as desired.

Visual method works for single line visuals only, multi line it tries to be clever and makes a mess.. use with caution, single (part of) line works fine though. (needs to have a check that say I don't do multi line visuals!; or only char wise visuals or something).
Range Command (defaults to current line) is:TitleCase
Its small, crude and dirty. But it works :)

Happy VIMing!
install details
Place in plugin folder

Uninstall remove or rename script file.

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
titlecase.vim 0.1 2002-10-07 6.0 Robert KellyIV Initial upload
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