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star search : star search

 script karma  Rating 47/28, Downloaded by 3121  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Guodong Liang
script type
normal mode:
Change the behavior of the super star(*) key. Vim don't jump to the next match when * is pressed.

visual mode:
Add * key support for visual mode. You can select some text (using visual mode) and then press * for searching (don't jump to the next match).

Thinks to:
https://github.com/bronson/vim-visual-star-search (for visual mode star key support)

for chinese user:
普通模式下,修改了系统默认的 * 按键的行为,按下 * 后,Vim 不再会自动跳转到下一个匹配处了
可视模式下,增加了 * 按键功能,首先可视模式下选择一段文字,然后敲击 * 可以搜索选中文字(此功能来源于 https://github.com/bronson/vim-visual-star-search);
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package script version date Vim version user release notes
starsearch.vim 0.1.1 2013-08-05 7.2 Guodong Liang Bugfix to yank.
starsearch.vim 0.1.0 2012-12-02 7.2 Guodong Liang Initial upload
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