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Get Win32 Short Name : Works out the 8.3 short-name of an existing file

 script karma  Rating 10/4, Downloaded by 1775  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Michael Geddes
script type
Since writing this, I've discovered heaps about short names.  There are many caveats, but the biggest 3 are:
1) After the first 4 similar names, windows uses a hash algorithm to work out the 3rd-6th letters of the name.
2) Samba uses a different hash algorithm to work out the short name
3) There is a Win32 API function call to set the short name of a file.

This script contains a function that works out only simple win32 8.3 short versions of a filename.  It will
work unless there are more than 4 files with the same name.

I have since written a patch for Vim6.1 which will allow windows users acces to the short-filename via the api call... expect it soon.. (via fnamemodify and probably using the modifier :8 )

NOTE: This is part of Vim 6.1 -
     echo fnamemodify( 'c:\vim\plugins\shortname.vim', ':8')

echo GetWin32ShortName('c:\vim\plugins\shortname.vim')

should produce:  c:\vim\plugins\shortn~1.vim
or something like that.

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
shortname.vim 1.0 2002-09-29 6.0 Michael Geddes Initial upload
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