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HiCursorWords : Highlights words under the cursor.

 script karma  Rating 63/27, Downloaded by 3906  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Shuhei Kubota
script type
This script highlights words under the cursor like many IDEs.

This doesn't provide scope-aware highlighting nor language specific one.
You can control highlighting by highlighting group names.


  (A right hand side value is a default value.)

  g:HiCursorWords_delay = 200
      A delay for highlighting in milliseconds.
      Smaller value may cause your machine slow down.

  g:HiCursorWords_hiGroupRegexp = ''
      If empty, all words are highlighted.
      If not empty, only the specified highlight group is highlighted.
      (my memo: 'Identifier\|vimOperParen')

      To investigate highlight group name, the next variable may help you.

  g:HiCursorWords_debugEchoHiName = 0
      If not 0, echoes the highlight group name under the cursor.

Hightlight groups:

  (Do :highlight! as you like.)

install details
Just source this file. (Put this file into the plugin directory.)

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
hicursorwords.vim 0.2 2012-12-10 7.0 Shuhei Kubota * fixed mis-highlighting
* fixed raised error, opening buffer
hicursorwords.vim 0.1 2012-11-09 7.2 Shuhei Kubota Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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