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eunuch.vim : Helpers for UNIX

 script karma  Rating 149/59, Downloaded by 3368  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Tim Pope
script type
Vim sugar for the UNIX shell commands that need it the most.  Commands include:

* :Unlink: Delete a buffer and the file on disk simultaneously.
* :Remove: Like :Unlink, but doesn't require a neckbeard.
* :Move: Rename a buffer and the file on disk simultaneously.
* :Chmod: Change the permissions of the current file.
* :Find: Run `find` and load the results into the quickfix list.
* :Locate: Run `locate` and load the results into the quickfix list.
* :SudoWrite: Write a privileged file with sudo.
* :Wall: Write every open window.  Handy for kicking off test autorunners.

install details
Extract in ~/.vim (~\vimfiles on Windows).

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
eunuch.zip 1.3 2022-05-06 7.4 Tim Pope Re-detect 'filetype' after typing a shebang line.
Fill in blank shebang line based on current 'filetype'.
Support :Move and :Rename in new files.
Provide :Copy and :Duplicate.
Support :Delete and :Remove in empty directories.
Require ! when :Delete or :Remove can't be undone.
Provide User autocommand events for :Chmod and :Remove.
Always create parent directories on :Mkdir (like `mkdir -p`).
Run BufReadPre and Post autocmds for :SudoEdit.
Resolve symlinks in :SudoEdit, as required by sudo -e.
Support :SudoEdit and :SudoWrite with ! in 'guioptions'.
Drop defunct support for SUDO_COMMAND filetype detection.
Drop defunct support for skeleton init script.
Bump minimum Vim version to 7.4.
Bug fixes.
eunuch.zip 1.2 2018-08-10 7.0 Tim Pope Don't delete buffer after :Unlink/:Remove.
Introduce :Delete to delete both file and buffer.
Replace :Find and :Locate with :Cfind/:Lfind and :Clocate/:Llocate.
Pre-populate new /etc/init.d scripts from /etc/init.d/skeleton.
Use setfperm() rather than :!chmod for simple cases.
Use sudo -A to prompt for password in GUI.
Re-detect filetype after :Move/:Rename.
Support virtual buffers, such as from Fugitive.
Bug fixes.
eunuch.zip 1.1 2014-04-30 7.0 Tim Pope Provide :Mkdir.
Automatic mkdir in :Move and :Rename.
Make :Rename relative to containing directory.
Fix :Chmod error.
Rename :W to :Wall.
Skip unwritable buffers in :Wall.
Provide :SudoEdit.
Show password prompt for sudo in GUI.
Better filetype detection for files edited with with sudoedit.
Support old Vim without fnameescape.
eunuch.zip 1.0 2012-11-05 7.0 Tim Pope Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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