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undotree.vim : Display your undo history in a graph.

 script karma  Rating 751/207, Downloaded by 8283  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Ming Bai
script type
Find the latest version in github:

Vim 7.0 added a new feature named **Undo branches**. Basically it's a kind of ability to go back to the text after any change, even if they were undone. Vim stores undo history in a tree which you can browse and manipulate through a bunch of commands. But that was not enough straightforward and a bit hard to use. You may use `:help new-undo-branches` or `:help undo-tree` to get more detailed help.  
Now this plug-in will free you from those commands and bring back the power of undo tree.
This script is written purely in Vim script with no additional dependency.


1. Use `:UndotreeToggle` to toggle the undo-tree panel. You may want to map this command to whatever hotkey by adding the following line to your vimrc, take F5 for example.

    nnoremap    <F5>    :UndotreeToggle<cr>

For more details, refer to the github page or README.md within this package.

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install details
Unpack all scripts into *plugin* directory and that's all. There is no additional dependency.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
undotree-rel_4.3.zip 4.3 2013-02-18 7.3 Ming Bai Several fixes and enhancements.
undotree-rel_4.2.zip 4.2 2012-11-24 7.0 Ming Bai Fixed some small issue.
mbbill-undotree-rel_4.1-0-gb05bb19.zip 4.1 2012-09-05 7.3 Ming Bai Enhanced tree style. Multi-window switching support.
mbbill-undotree-rel_4.0-0-gfb621a8.zip 4.0 2012-08-30 7.3 Ming Bai Live updated highlight for changed text. Screenshot: http://files.myopera.com/mbbill/files/undotree.png
Customizable key mappings.
Fixed some minor bugs.
mbbill-undotree-rel_3.1-0-gf2bc4af.zip 3.1 2012-08-25 7.0 Ming Bai Added saved status, relative timestamp and ability of clear undo history.
mbbill-undotree-rel_3.0-0-g58ade90.zip 3.0 2012-08-24 7.0 Ming Bai Add diff panel. Performance improvement.
mbbill-undotree-rel_2.2-0-gc8b7adb.zip 2.2 2012-08-21 7.0 Ming Bai Stable version.
mbbill-undotree-rel_2.1-0-g2fecc10.zip 2.1 2012-08-20 7.0 Ming Bai Fixed some annoying issues.
mbbill-undotree-rel_2-0-g9121bda.zip 2 2012-08-19 7.0 Ming Bai Added some new features: hotkey support. handle undo levels, auto refresh, and so on.
mbbill-undotree-rel_1-0-g062df4e.zip 1.0 2012-08-18 7.0 Ming Bai Initial upload
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