gdbmgr : vim interface to gdb
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Rating 21/11,
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created by |
Charles Campbell |
script type |
utility |
description |
Gdbmgr supports a user-controllable multiple-tiled window interface to gdb, and does not need any external scripting support such as perl or python. Try out the tutorial -- it contains seven examples with detailed instructions on how to compile the example code, run it, and use gdbmgr with it.
Using gdbgmgr is straightforward; you may start gdbmgr up from a running vim or, if you take the suggestion (:help gdbmgr-suggest), then attempting editing a program's binary will bring up gdbmgr with that program loaded.
:DI programname...starts up gdbgmr with the given programname
:DR [args]..............runs the program (with optional arguments)
:DQ........................quit gdbmgr
Standard Windows:
By default at startup you'll have seven tiled windows in a tab:
Netrw................: useful for bringing source code into the Source window and setting breakpoints and examining variables
Messages........: shows messages issued by gdb
Function Stack..: shows current function stack
Source Window.: shows current source code
Expr..................: enter expressions to be evaluated (ie. shows variable values)
Breakpt.............: shows list of breakpoints
Watchpoint........: shows list of watchpoints
Optional Windows:
Other available gdbmgr windows include:
BufExplorer..: the buffer explorer shows its output here (see vimscript#42) - thanks to Jeff Lanzarotta for including some interface code!
Commands..: enter commands to gdb via this window. This window is stacked with the Source Window; ie. when you run your program, the commands window is displayed instead of the Source Window.
Tags............: shows CtagExpl or HdrTag output (tags, hdrtags)
Threads......: shows the results of gdb's \"info threads\" command
Foreign Apps:
Gdbmgr provides an interface to various \"foreign apps\"; ie. vimscripts that are external to gdbmgr itself. Currently, gdbmgr provides interfaces to:
netrw (built-in interface)
Installing gdbmgr:
Gdbmgr does not require perl, python, or any other external scripting support. However, it does need to have forkpty() support compiled in; you can get this by configuring your vim to support perl, python, or modify vim's Makefile with EXTRA_LIBS = -lutil.
Read :help gdbmgr-install for information on how to get your vim configured and compiled for gdbmgr.
Read :help gdbmgr-tutorial to learn many of the details of using gdbmgr. Examples are included!
stepping - continue
examining variable values (with ballooneval, simply point the mouse at the variable name in the source code)
function stack
examining core dumps
multiple-file source code programs supported
See gdbmgr's online documentation and examples at .
(alpha/beta version available at
install details |
* needs huge/large vim and linux
cd $HOME/.vim
mv [wherever]/gdbmgr.tar.gz .
gunzip gdbmgr.tar.gz
tar -xf gdbmgr.tar
:helptags ~/.vim/doc
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