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vim-pomodoro : Vim plugin for the Pomdoro time management technique

 script karma  Rating 4/1, Downloaded by 831  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Maximilian Nickel
script type
vim-pomodoro is a Vim plugin for the Pomodoro time management technique (http://www.pomodorotechnique.com/).

ONLY for Linux/Mac OS X!

The usage of vim-pomodoro is simple. `:PomodoroStart [pomodoro_name]` starts a new pomodoro. The parameter `pomodoro_name` is optional. After a pomodoro ended, a confirmation dialog will remind you to take a break. When the break has ended, another dialog will ask you if you want to start a new pomodoro. Furthermore, the remaining time of a pomodoro can be displayed in the
statusline of vim.

If you do not want vim-pomodoro to use popup windows but text dialogs inside Vim, add `set guioptions+=c` to your `~/.gvimrc`. Please note that this will *globally* disable popup notification windows in Vim.

Also, in addition to the default notifications inside vim, vim-pomodoro allows to add
further external notifications, such as sounds, system-notification popups etc.

Add the following options to your `~/.vimrc` to configure vim-pomodoro

        " Duration of a pomodoro in minutes (default: 25)
        let g:pomodoro_time_work = 25

        " Duration of a break in minutes (default: 5)
        let g:pomodoro_time_slack = 5

        " Log completed pomodoros, 0 = False, 1 = True (default: 0)
        let g:pomodoro_do_log = 0

        " Path to the pomodoro log file (default: /tmp/pomodoro.log)
        let g:pomodoro_log_file = "/tmp/pomodoro.log"

To display the remaining time of a pomodoro in your statusline, add

        set statusline=%#ErrorMsg#%{PomodoroStatus()}%#StatusLine#

to your `~/.vimrc`

>> External Notifications
Notifications outside vim can be enabled through the option `g:pomodoro_notification_cmd`.
For instance, to play a soundfile after each completed pomodoro or break, add something like

        let g:pomodoro_notification_cmd = "mpg123 -q ~/.vim/pomodoro-notification.mp3"

to your `~/.vimrc`. System-wide notifications can, for instance, be done via zenity and
the option

        let g:pomodoro_notification_cmd = 'zenity --notification --text="Pomodoro finished"''

Development, Screenshots and more...
Main development of vim-pomodoro is done at https://github.com/mnick/vim-pomodoro along with up-to-date documentation and screenshots.
install details
vim-pomodoro requires AsyncCommand (vimscript #3431, https://github.com/pydave/AsyncCommand) to be installed. The recommended installation method for both plugins is via Vundle (vimscript #3458, https://github.com/gmarik/vundle).

        Bundle 'pydave/AsyncCommand'
        Bundle 'mnick/vim-pomodoro'

to your `~/.vimrc` and run `BundleInstall` afterwards.

If you don't want to use Vundle, first install AsyncCommand and simply extract the tarfile in your ~/.vim directory afterwards.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-pomodoro-0.1.2.tar.bz2 0.1.2 2012-03-24 7.0 Maximilian Nickel minor bugfix
ip used for rating:

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